It is typescript project designed to work as Worker architecture with mongoDB as queuing system.
To understand it we need to understand two concept in this project.
workerName: It is name of worker and directory in src folder.
workerType: It is type of worker and worker code file name in workerName directory. It export module function to run as entry point for worker process.
args: It is Object type and it holds arguments to entry function call of worker process.
retryInterval: If set then It will retry process in given seconds and increase exponentially with every failed worker process.
maxRetry: If retryInterval is set then it decides how many time a worker process should run. Default is 8.
lastRetryDateTime: It is date time object which hold time of last retry.
status: It tell about worker status which are queued (default), finished, fail, retry, running.
This project have hierarchical requirement for worker setup. In src folder you can create workerName for eg myWorker inside this folder you create workerType (exported module functions file) for eg hello_world.ts
When you run this project it will look for task with status queued and run the file module with args as function parameter on path APP_ROOT_PATH/dist/myWorker/hello_world.js
If it find the file then it run the task else task will set to failed.
To run this project simply built docker image and run it.
docker build .
docker run IMAGE_ID -d
This project have environment variable dependecies.