This project serves as the culminating assignment for the second course of the Udacity program (refer to the license
for details). The primary focus of the project is the implementation of the Kalman Filter to effectively track objects through a four-step process:
the construction of the project folders as the following:
┣ 📂dataset --> contains the Waymo Open Dataset sequences
┣ 📂misc
┃ ┣ --> plot functions for tracking visualization and RMSE calculation
┃ ┣ --> misc. helper functions, e.g. for loading / saving binary files
┃ ┗ --> object detection functions without student tasks
┃ ┗ --> parameter file for the tracking part
┣ 📂results --> binary files with pre-computed intermediate results download it and extract it from here
┣ 📂student
┃ ┣ --> data association logic for assigning measurements to tracks incl. student tasks
┃ ┣ --> extended Kalman filter implementation incl. student tasks
┃ ┣ --> sensor and measurement classes for camera and lidar incl. student tasks
┃ ┣ --> model-based object detection incl. student tasks
┃ ┣ --> performance assessment for object detection incl. student tasks
┃ ┣ --> point-cloud functions, e.g. for birds-eye view incl. student tasks
┃ ┗ --> track and track management classes incl. student tasks
┣ 📂tools --> external tools
┃ ┣ 📂objdet_models --> models for object detection
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┣ 📂darknet
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂config
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂models --> darknet / yolo model class and tools
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂pretrained --> copy pre-trained model file here
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ complex_yolov4_mse_loss.pth
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ ??utils --> various helper functions
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┃ ┗ 📂resnet
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂models --> fpn_resnet model class and tools
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂pretrained --> copy pre-trained model file here
┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ fpn_resnet_18_epoch_300.pth
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ 📂utils --> various helper functions
┃ ┃ ┃
┃ ┗ 📂waymo_reader --> functions for light-weight loading of Waymo sequences
In dataset file you could downlaod the files from this link
The Waymo Open Dataset Reader is a very convenient toolbox that allows you to access sequences from the Waymo Open Dataset without the need of installing all of the heavy-weight dependencies that come along with the official toolbox. The installation instructions can be found in tools/waymo_reader/
This project makes use of three different sequences to illustrate the concepts of object detection and tracking. These are:
- Sequence 1 :
- Sequence 2 :
- Sequence 3 :
To download these files, you will have to register with Waymo Open Dataset first: Open Dataset – Waymo, if you have not already, making sure to note "Udacity" as your institution.
Once you have done so, please click here to access the Google Cloud Container that holds all the sequences. Once you have been cleared for access by Waymo (which might take up to 48 hours), you can download the individual sequences.
The object detection methods used in this project use pre-trained models which have been provided by the original authors. They can be downloaded here (darknet) and here (fpn_resnet). Once downloaded, please copy the model files into the paths /tools/objdet_models/darknet/pretrained
and /tools/objdet_models/fpn_resnet/pretrained
All dependencies required for the project have been listed in the file requirements.txt
. You may either install them one-by-one using pip or you can use the following command to install them all at once:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Task preperation
in the file
we apply the following sittings:
data_filename = 'training_segment-10072231702153043603_5725_000_5745_000_with_camera_labels.tfrecord'
show_only_frames = [150, 200]
configs_det = det.load_configs(model_name='fpn_resnet')
configs_det.lim_y = [-5, 10]
exec_detection = []
exec_tracking = ['perform_tracking']
exec_visualization = ['show_tracks']
I the file student/
we implement redict()
and update()
fucntions for an EKE.
In addition we implemened F()
and Q()
To implement them we utilized gamma()
and s()
functions where:
In addition we called get_hx()
and get_H
from students/
and used params.dt
to get the time step.
we could get a results by run the file
, as we see in the following image, the trarget traking result is work:
The plot of the mean RMSE:
we update the following parameters:
show_only_frames = [65, 100]
configs_det.lim_y = [-5, 15]
In student/
we appleid the following:
we initialized track.x
and track.P
and used params.window
to update the socre using the following equations:
to increase the score:
In addition we update the cor to confirmed if the track score bigger than thresholed where we used params.confirmed_threshold
as a thresholed to update the car to confirmed (in our work we used params.confirmed_threshold = 0.8
by run the file
we got the following results we could see the track has deleted at the end of vedio:
I the following task we update the parameters at
as the following:
data_filename = 'training_segment-1005081002024129653_5313_150_5333_150_with_camera_labels.tfrecord'
show_only_frames = [0, 200]
configs_det.lim_y = [-25, 25]
Thsi task concerns its implementaiton on student/
in the function associate()
we replaced the association_matrix on Mahalanobis distances for all tracks track_list
and all measurements meas_list
In addition we used Mhd()
function to implement Mahalanbis distace between tracks, and updated the unassigned_meas
and unassigned_tracks
In the funtion get_closest_track_and_meas()
we extracted the minumum association_matrix
to delet it.
by run the file
we got the following results:
The car detection shown in the followin vedio:
This task implemented at student/
In Sensor
class we implemented in_fov()
function to check if the track inside the range of camera acording to the sensor cordinates.
by run the file
we got the following results:
The car detection shown in the followin vedio:
The plot of the mean RMSE as the following:
As we see we could synchnorize between sensors using deep learning and we could improve the perception of the tracks.
Kalman filter also very essential preossure to improve our predection to the track and its trajectories.
We could also improve the results by update the parameters as confirmed_threshold
and delete_threshold
we could also update this parameters in the file misc/