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Releases: ModelOriented/factorMerger

CRAN 0.4.0

05 Sep 12:09
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fix in plotBoxplot function after ggplot2 update

Data and exports cleaning

04 Apr 17:24
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  • create a lighter version of Pisa dataset
  • make some plotting functions public

Weighted models and models with covariates

21 Feb 20:15
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New functionalities:

  • weighted models,
  • models with covariates,
  • enabled 'by-formula' model passing in the mergeFactors function,
  • new tests.

Faster clustering

28 Sep 13:20
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Parameters method and subsequent were merged together. Possible values for method are:

  • fast-fixed (method = "hclust" + successive = TRUE),
  • fixed (method = "hclust" + successive = FALSE),
  • fast-adapive (method = "LRT" + successive = TRUE),
  • adaptive (method = "LRT" + successive = FALSE).

Some improvements in algorithms and in plots alignment were done.

CRAN 0.3.1

17 Jul 10:53
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New visualizations and algorithm speedup

21 Jun 11:14
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Introduced new functionalities:

  • Tukey post hoc visualization.

Additional updates:

  • multi dimensional Gaussian loglik calculation speedup,
  • changes in single dimensional Gaussian plot (right panel -- means and their 95% conf. interval)

factorMerger v0.2

05 May 10:58
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Introduced new functionalities:

  • overloaded function plot.factorMerger,
  • predicting new labels for factor groups with cutTree

factorMerger v0.1.1

06 Apr 19:04
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Set of tools to support results from post hoc testing for parametric models.

Models supported

  • one-dimensional Gaussian (with the argument family = "gaussian"),
  • multi-dimensional Gaussian (with the argument family = "gaussian"),
  • binomial (with the argument family = "binomial"),
  • survival (with the argument family = "survival").

Hypothesis testing

  • all-to-all (with the argument successive = FALSE),
  • successive (with the argument successive = TRUE).
    The version all-to-all considers all possible pairs of factor levels. In the successive approach factor levels are preliminarily sorted and then only consecutive groups are tested for means equality.

Merging stategies

  • Likelihood Ratio Test (with the argument method = "LRT"),
  • agglomerative clustering with constant distance matrix (with the argument method = hclust, based on the DMR4glm algorithm by Agnieszka Prochenka).