This is my Hexagonal Turn Based Roguelike project, using elements from the RPG Course taught at GameDev.TV The project is created in Unity (project currently 2020.1.3).
Note that most of the assets are stripped from the repo for two reasons
- I don't own the rights to distribute the assets, many of them are paid assets.
- I don't see the point in uploading assets (which are easily redownloaded via the asset store) to take up space on GitHub.
The repo is mainly here for folks to look over my code, learn from it, even improve it if they like. Even without the paid assets, it's possible to use this as the basis for a project by adding your own assets. There is a lot of stuff not fully documented, something I plan on getting around to as well as creating a Wiki explaining some of the logic behind the dungeon creator, the turn controller and how I have avoided most updates in liew of coroutines and callbacks.