A full stack educational app for coffee production and consumption.
our app must display educational content regarding coffee:
- a map API will display points of interest in the 'coffee world', such as countries that are major producers/consumers.
- a drop down menu to filter by region
- educational tooltips which provide the user with information on coffee from that specific region
- add additional filter criteria
- zoom to filtered region
- include a section on preperation instructions
- add a choropleth to the map to display coffee production/consumption in each country
- additional styling
- from CLIENT directory install required packages: npm install
- from SERVER directory install required packages: npm install
- from SERVER directory seed mongodb database: npm run seeds
- from SERVER directory spin up the development server: npm run server:dev
- from CLIENT directory spin up the react server: npm start
- if this doesnt open your browser automatically, open up a new window on localhost:3000
- we recomend CHROME as this is what it was designed in.