This resource is currently WIP
This script saves the players fingerprint on a weapon they hold via metadata. The fingerprints can be "washed off" and falsely manipulated. Also you won't put any fingerprints on it if you are wearing gloves.
- IsPlayersFingerprintInserted: fun(metadata: table): boolean
- IsPlayersFingerprintOnCurrentWeapon: fun(): booolean
- AddFingerprint: fun(playerId: number, slot: number, identifier: string)
- RemoveFingerprint: fun(playerId: number, slot: number, identifier: string)
- PurgeFingerprints: fun(playerId: number, slot, number)
- GetFingerprints: fun(playerId: number, slot: number): string[] identifiers
As mentioned this resource is currently WIP. For now if you want to contribute you may just download the source code.
- Fingerprint saving
- Glove detecting and looping
- "Washing off" fingerprints (basicly use the "PurgeFingerprints" export)
- Manipulating fingerprints
- Analysing fingerprints (eg: for LEOs)
This resource is licensed under GNU GPL v3.0