Python code related to orbital ephemeris calculations (for solar system objects) using fast chebysheb polynomial representations.
- Perform n-body integrations (using a custom REBOUND wrapper) based on inital orbital states provided from an ORBFIT orbital fit to observations;
- Convert the output from n-body integrations (in the form of periodic output of posn, vel, covar, etc) into chebyshev polynomial representations;
- Conduct ephemeris calculations;
- Check the residuals between observations and expected positions from previous orbit extrapolations (pChecker-v2);
- Calculate the objects which are likely to be within the Field-of-View of a telescope (MPChecker-v2);
- Attribute observations (of unknown designation) to known objects (CheckID-v2);
- Identify archival observations (ITF or designated) of new objects (s9m-v2);
In order to get the NBODY part of the code working, one needs to have REBOUND/REBOUNDx installed. The proceedure pasted below was required to get the code working on machines operated by MA & MJP. Obviously this is non-optimal, but one would hope it could be automated (via in the future.
cd /home/mikea/Github
git clone
cd rebound
make clean; make
export REB_DIR=/home/mikea/Github/rebound
cd ../
git clone -b holman
The following step is necessary until holman merges pull request from MA
vi /Users/matthewjohnpayne/Envs/reboundx/examples/ephem_forces/
- ../../../reboundx/examples/ephem_forces/
- ../../../reboundx/examples/ephem_forces/
- rebx_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file)), '' )
cd reboundx/examples/central_force/
perl -pi -e 's/OPENGL=1/OPENGL=0/g' Makefile
make clean; make
export REBX_DIR=/Users/matthewjohnpayne/Envs/reboundx
- See README in cheby_checker/cheby_checker code repo