Easily generate flexbox layouts that support both new and legacy formats.
Flexbox layouts consist of two main components: containers and children. In order to create a flexbox layout, you must first declare a container. Given the following HTML:
<div class="container">
<div class="child">Content!</div>
<div class="child">Content!</div>
<div class="child">Content!</div>
<div class="child">Content!</div>
you can turn this into a flexbox layout using this mixin like so:
.container {
@include flexcontainer;
.child {
@include flexchild;
The mixin takes named arguments, so you can customize your layouts however you need:
.container {
@include flexcontainer($flexdirection: column, $alignitems: flex-start);
.child {
@include flexchild;
&:nth-child(1) {
@include flexprop(flex-basis, 200px); //helper mixin for single properties
Let this mixin do all the hard work of remembering which IE properties and values translate into which standards-based property and what legacy property maps to which new properties!
A Mighty Spring creation.