A LaTeX template for preparing slides for presentation in Michigan Technological University.
This and other associated files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Using this unofficial template is not a substitute for learning LaTeX and/or understanding its how it works.
Apart from modularizing the document preparation process, and producing title and final slides, and Michigan Tech logo in every slide, the template provides the following:
If using Linux/UNIX or Mac, the process of generating the PDF could be as simple as typing
. -
Ability to make a timestamp-based snapshot of the entire folder via the command
make snapshot
As complete an installation of LaTeX as possible.
This template in its entirety.
Basic understanding of how LaTeX works.
Rename (not just copy over)
by substitutingjohn
with your Michigan Tech ISO username. -
Open the renamed
and add relevant information. -
with relevant information. -
Place all figures (
) inFigures
folder. -
iff there is a need, and iff there is an understanding of how the LaTeX class/style file works.
Linux (or Mac) from a terminal using the command line, using Makefile
cd LaTeX_BeamerTemplate
Linux (or Mac) from a terminal using the command line, without using Makefile
cd LaTeX_BeamerTemplate
pdflatex --shell-escape john_slides
pdflatex --shell-escape john_slides
Mac using TeXMaker
Navigate to TeXMaker » Preferences » Quick Build » Quick Build Command » User
and enter the following
"/usr/texbin/pdflatex" -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
"/usr/texbin/pdflatex" -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Windows using TeXMaker
Navigate to TeXMaker » Options » Configure TeXMaker » Quick Build » Quick Build Command » User
and enter the following
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex |
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
The template provides the following 140 named colors (given with their hexadecimal notation; color scheme adopted from http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colorvalues.asp). Example usage:
\textcolor{Color}{colored text}
Hex code | Color | Hex code | Color |
#000000 | Black | #BA55D3 | MediumOrchid |
#000080 | Navy | #BC8F8F | RosyBrown |
#00008B | DarkBlue | #BDB76B | DarkKhaki |
#0000CD | MediumBlue | #C0C0C0 | Silver |
#0000FF | Blue | #C71585 | MediumVioletRed |
#006400 | DarkGreen | #CD5C5C | IndianRed |
#008000 | Green | #CD853F | Peru |
#008080 | Teal | #D2691E | Chocolate |
#008B8B | DarkCyan | #D2B48C | Tan |
#00BFFF | DeepSkyBlue | #D3D3D3 | LightGray |
#00CED1 | DarkTurquoise | #D8BFD8 | Thistle |
#00FA9A | MediumSpringGreen | #DA70D6 | Orchid |
#00FF00 | Lime | #DAA520 | GoldenRod |
#00FF7F | SpringGreen | #DB7093 | PaleVioletRed |
#00FFFF | Aqua | #DC143C | Crimson |
#00FFFF | Cyan | #DCDCDC | Gainsboro |
#191970 | MidnightBlue | #DDA0DD | Plum |
#1E90FF | DodgerBlue | #DEB887 | BurlyWood |
#20B2AA | LightSeaGreen | #E0FFFF | LightCyan |
#228B22 | ForestGreen | #E6E6FA | Lavender |
#2E8B57 | SeaGreen | #E9967A | DarkSalmon |
#2F4F4F | DarkSlateGray | #EE82EE | Violet |
#32CD32 | LimeGreen | #EEE8AA | PaleGoldenRod |
#3CB371 | MediumSeaGreen | #F08080 | LightCoral |
#40E0D0 | Turquoise | #F0E68C | Khaki |
#4169E1 | RoyalBlue | #F0F8FF | AliceBlue |
#4682B4 | SteelBlue | #F0FFF0 | HoneyDew |
#483D8B | DarkSlateBlue | #F0FFFF | Azure |
#48D1CC | MediumTurquoise | #F4A460 | SandyBrown |
#4B0082 | Indigo | #F5DEB3 | Wheat |
#556B2F | DarkOliveGreen | #F5F5DC | Beige |
#5F9EA0 | CadetBlue | #F5F5F5 | WhiteSmoke |
#6495ED | CornflowerBlue | #F5FFFA | MintCream |
#66CDAA | MediumAquaMarine | #F8F8FF | GhostWhite |
#696969 | DimGray | #FA8072 | Salmon |
#6A5ACD | SlateBlue | #FAEBD7 | AntiqueWhite |
#6B8E23 | OliveDrab | #FAF0E6 | Linen |
#708090 | SlateGray | #FAFAD2 | LightGoldenRodYellow |
#778899 | LightSlateGray | #FDF5E6 | OldLace |
#7B68EE | MediumSlateBlue | #FF0000 | Red |
#7CFC00 | LawnGreen | #FF00FF | Fuchsia |
#7FFF00 | Chartreuse | #FF00FF | Magenta |
#7FFFD4 | Aquamarine | #FF1493 | DeepPink |
#800000 | Maroon | #FF4500 | OrangeRed |
#800080 | Purple | #FF6347 | Tomato |
#808000 | Olive | #FF69B4 | HotPink |
#808080 | Gray | #FF7F50 | Coral |
#87CEEB | SkyBlue | #FF8C00 | DarkOrange |
#87CEFA | LightSkyBlue | #FFA07A | LightSalmon |
#8A2BE2 | BlueViolet | #FFA500 | Orange |
#8B0000 | DarkRed | #FFB6C1 | LightPink |
#8B008B | DarkMagenta | #FFC0CB | Pink |
#8B4513 | SaddleBrown | #FFD700 | Gold |
#8FBC8F | DarkSeaGreen | #FFDAB9 | PeachPuff |
#90EE90 | LightGreen | #FFDEAD | NavajoWhite |
#9370DB | MediumPurple | #FFE4B5 | Moccasin |
#9400D3 | DarkViolet | #FFE4C4 | Bisque |
#98FB98 | PaleGreen | #FFE4E1 | MistyRose |
#9932CC | DarkOrchid | #FFEBCD | BlanchedAlmond |
#9ACD32 | YellowGreen | #FFEFD5 | PapayaWhip |
#A0522D | Sienna | #FFF0F5 | LavenderBlush |
#A52A2A | Brown | #FFF5EE | SeaShell |
#A9A9A9 | DarkGray | #FFF8DC | Cornsilk |
#ADD8E6 | LightBlue | #FFFACD | LemonChiffon |
#ADFF2F | GreenYellow | #FFFAF0 | FloralWhite |
#AFEEEE | PaleTurquoise | #FFFAFA | Snow |
#B0C4DE | LightSteelBlue | #FFFF00 | Yellow |
#B0E0E6 | PowderBlue | #FFFFE0 | LightYellow |
#B22222 | FireBrick | #FFFFF0 | Ivory |
#B8860B | DarkGoldenRod | #FFFFFF | White |
Google search often provides a quick and reliable answer. If all else fails, then contact the author.
Feel free to clone/fork this repository and make changes to fit your needs. You have my explicit permission to do so. This template and/or the changes you make may very well work for you (or your institution). Please note that if you decide to do so, you are doing so entirely at your very own discretion and that neither the author nor Michigan Technological University is responsible for any/all damage -- intellectual and/or otherwise.
Dr. Gowtham, PhD
Director of Research Computing, IT
Adj. Asst. Professor, Physics/ECE
Michigan Technological University
Email: [email protected]