A parser for the imzML format used in imaging mass spectrometry. See specification here. Designed for use with imzML version 1.1.0. Outputs data as python lists and dicts.
The parser is developed by Alexandrov Team at EMBL Heidelberg.
- Developer: Dominik Fay
- Contact and feedback: Team contact
pyimzML is available on PyPI. pyimzML should be installed with pip using one of these three options:
$ pip install pyimzml
will install pyimzML from PyPI (easiest).$ pip install git+git://github.com/alexandrovteam/pyimzML.git
will install pyimzML from github.- Download the source tarball from PyPI and
$ pip install pyimzml-x-x-x.tar.gz
Dependency Notes
- pyimzML has an optional dependency to lxml. If lxml is not installed, pyimzML will instead use the built-in cElementTree or ElementTree package.
To test your installation of pyimzML, you can download sample data from imzml.org and go through the following use cases.
Documentation is available on ReadTheDocs <http://pyimzml.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?badge=latest>