31 commits
to main
since this release
Feature Release: 1.0.0-alpha.57
TeensyROM Dual Boot / Minimal Mode Support
- The Desktop UI will automatically re-negotiate connections to TeensyROM in Dual Boot scenarios.
Configurable Default Filter
- You can now set Music, Games, Images and All as the default launch filter.
- Defaults to All.
- Configurable in Settings view.
Auto-Connect on Application Startup.
- Why waste time clicking the connect button?
- Optional: Can be disabled in Settings view.
Auto-Launch on Application Startup
- This will automatically launch Games, SIDs, and/or Images on application startup
- File type launched will be based on selected default filter
- Application will automatically open to Discover view when this option is enabled.
- Optional: Can be disabled in Settings view.
Additional Notes
- This will likely be the last Alpha feature release.
- Looking for support for testing before moving into Beta
- Launch Demo coming soon once Beta starts.