PRIMAVERA Data Management Tool
A Python and Django based data management tool and catalogue developed from
If you want to contribute to primavera-dmt be sure to review the contribution guidelines.
The documentation is included in the repository and available from
Load a Conda or virtualenv environment containing:
argon2-cffi cftime django django-filter django-tables2 djangorestframework numpy netCDF4 requests
For example in a Python virtual environment:
mkdir ../venvs python3 -m venv ../venvs/django --system-site-packages . ../venvs/django/Scripts/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Create local settings:
cp dmt_site/ dmt_site/
Populate the value of
with a suitable random string. A string can be generated from the command line:$ python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'
Django set-up and create databases:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=dmt_site.settings export PYTHONPATH=. django-admin makemigrations dmt_app django-admin migrate
Create a superuser so that the admin interface can be used:
django-admin createsuperuser
Run tests:
django-admin test
View the website in a local development server: In
enable debug mode by changing settingDEBUG
to:DEBUG = True
Start the development server:
django-admin runserver
Point your browser at
to view the site.