A place for my CraftTweaker scripts. So far, those all link Mystical Agriculture with other mods.
ETA 5/6/12: All of these were written for MC 1.11.2 and the matching mods; they may need fixing for 1.12.2, much less 1.13.
So far I have the following scripts:
ma-spawn_eggs.zs: Lets you use MA essences to make spawn eggs
ma-spawn_eggs-hard.zs: More expensive (perhaps more balanced?) version of making spawn eggs.
ma-ore_dyes.zs: Fills in the missing 4 dye-essence recipes, using oredict dyes from other mods.
ma-quark-blocks.zs: Recipes for blocks provided by Quark.
ma-bop-blocks.zs: Recipes for blocks provided by Biomes O'Plenty
ma-bop-plants.zs: Create or duplicate the various BoP plants and flowers. (now including wood/saplings)
ma-v-plants.zs: Create or duplicate vanilla plants and flowers.