Practice reading JS code and understanding what it does!
- Understand different types in javascript
- Practice reading code & understanding boolean logic
- Learn the various operators in javascript and what they do
- Forking & cloning a repo from git
- Making a pull request
- Fork this repository
- Clone the forked repository to your computer
to the cloned directorycode .
to open the repo in VSCode- When you are done, commit and push your work to your forked copy
- Make a pull request on github against the original repo
For problems 1 and 2, write your answer in a comment (comments start with //
) immediately below the line of code.
2 + 2
// number, 4
For problems 3-5, fill out the existing table or create a new one. See the table syntax guide
For problems 6-10, see the example in problem 6 and write your own answer below each question.
What are the types of the following expressions and what do they evaluate to?
//literal, because the result is exactly what is typed.
1 + 2 * 3 + 4
//operator arithmetic, 11
800 / 80 / 8
//operator arthmetic, 1.25
400 > 200
//comparisson operators, true
1 !== 1
//comparisson operators, false
true || false
//logical operators OR, true
true && false
//logical operators AND, false
20 % 6
//operator arthmetic, 2
"a" + "b"
//string + operator, "ab"
What will the following return?
typeof 4
// number
typeof "hello"
// string
typeof true
// boolean
2 === 1 || 3 === 4
// false
Create a truth table for the expression A || B.
For reference, here is a truth table for the expression A && B. You can fill out the last column. Don't worry about keeping the spacing exact.
A | B | A && B | A ll B |
true | true | true | //true |
false | true | false | //true |
true | false | false | //true |
false | false | false | //false |
Create a truth table for the expression !A && !B.
For reference, here is a truth table for the expression A && !B. You can fill out the last column. Don't worry about keeping the spacing exact.
A | B | !B | A && !B | !A && !B |
true | true | false | false | //false |
false | true | false | false | //false |
true | false | true | true | //false |
false | false | true | false | //true |
Create a truth table for the expression !(A || B).
| A | B | (A || B) |!(A || B) |
| ----- | ----- | ------- | -------- | | true | true | true | false |
| false | true | true | false |
| true | false | true | false |
| false | false | false | true |
Write a step-by-step evaluation for the following expression (remember order of operations): 2 + 3 * 2 + 1
For reference, here is a exp of a step-by-step evaluation:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4
3 + 3 + 4
6 + 4
2 + 3 * 2 + 1 2 + 6 + 1 8 + 1 9
Write a step-by-step evaluation for the following expression (remember order of operations): 4 / 2 + 8 / 4
4 / 2 + 8 / 4
2 + 8 / 4
2 + 2
Write a step-by-step evaluation for the following expression: 'ca' + 'ter' + 'pi' + 'llar'
'ca' + 'ter' + 'pi' + 'llar'
'cater' + 'pi' + 'llar'
'caterpi' + 'llar'
Write a step-by-step evaluation for the following expression: 2 * 4 === 8 && 'car' + 'pool' === 'carpool'
2 * 4 === 8 && 'car' + 'pool' === 'carpool
8 === 8 && 'car' + 'pool' === 'carpool'
true && 'car' + 'pool' === 'carpool'
true && 'carpool' === 'carpool'
true && true
Write a step-by-step evaluation for the following expression: '1' + '2' + '3' - '1'
'1' + '2' + '3' - '1'
'12' + '3' - '1'
'123' - '1'