Update an existing alignment using a phylogeny from OpenTree:
Install physcraper.
To use in a virtual environment:
virtualenv -p python3 venv-physcraper
source venv-physcraper/bin/activate
Install physcraper with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e . #from the physcraper directory
You can run analyses using physcraper_run.py
with the following possible arguments.
To see all the arguments use physcraper_run.py --help
usage: physcraper_run.py [-h] [-s STUDY_ID] [-t TREE_ID] [-tl TREE_LINK]
[-re RELOAD_FILES] [-tag TAG] [-tb] [-no_est]
[-ev EVAL] [-hl HITLIST_LEN] [-tp TRIM_PERC]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s STUDY_ID, --study_id STUDY_ID
OpenTree study id
-t TREE_ID, --tree_id TREE_ID
OpenTree tree id
-tl TREE_LINK, --tree_link TREE_LINK
Link to tree to update on OpenTree
path to alignment
-as ALN_SCHEMA, --aln_schema ALN_SCHEMA
alignment schema (nexus or fasta)
-db BLAST_DB, --blast_db BLAST_DB
local download of blast database
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
path to output directory
-tx TAXONOMY, --taxonomy TAXONOMY
path to taxonomy
path to config file
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
email address for ncbi balst searches
-re RELOAD_FILES, --reload_files RELOAD_FILES
reload files and configureation from dir
-tag TAG, --tag TAG gene name or other specifier
-tb, --treebase download alignment from treebase
-no_est, --no_estimate_tree
run blast search and estimate tree
-ev EVAL, --eval EVAL
blast evalue cutoff
-hl HITLIST_LEN, --hitlist_len HITLIST_LEN
number of blast searches to save per taxon
-tp TRIM_PERC, --trim_perc TRIM_PERC
minimum percentage of seqs end of alignemnts
max relative length of added seqs, compared to input
aln len
-spn SPECIES_NUMBER, --species_number SPECIES_NUMBER
max number of seqs to include per species
-nt NUM_THREADS, --num_threads NUM_THREADS
number of threads to use in processing
-de DELAY, --delay DELAY
how long to wait before blasting the same sequence
-st SEARCH_TAXON, --search_taxon SEARCH_TAXON
taxonomic id to constrain blast search. format ott:123
or ncbi:123. Deafult will use ingroup of tree on
OpenTree, or MRCA of input tips
The simplest (but slowest) run is to choose a tree from opentree, and physcraper
gets the alignment for you from treebase (argument -tb
), using web blast:
physcraper_run.py -s pg_55 -t tree5864 -tb -o output_pg55_treebase
The fastest run is to choose a tree from opentree, give the path to the corresponding downloaded alignment (argument -a
) and a local blast directory (argument -db
physcraper_run.py -s pg_55 -t tree5864 -a treebase_alns/pg_55tree5864_ndhf.aln -as "nexus" -db ~/ncbi/localblastdb/ -o output_pg55_local
To check tree download and the matching of names across tree and alignment without running the blast and tree estimation steps, use the flag (-no_est):
physcraper_run.py -s ot_1919 -t Tr115925 --treebase -db ~/ncbi/localblastdb/ -no_est -o output_test
Take a look at the tree, teh alignemnt and the out_info csv file. It will list all taxa by their unique idetifiers.
To then run a blast search and estimate an updated tree from that tree and alignemnt, you can re-load from that directory. It will use your same config settings (which weere automatically written out to outputdir/run.config).
If the run completed, re-run will use the final output ree and alignment. If the run was not compelte, it will reload the input files.
physcraper_run.py -re output_test/ -o output_test
To re-run with a different configuration file,
physcraper_run.py -re output_test/ -c alt_config -o output_test
Configuration parameters can be either set in a cofniguration file using -c (e.g. data.config)
physcraper_run.py -s pg_55 -t tree5864 -a treebase_alns/pg_55tree5864_ndhf.aln -nt 8 -spn 3 -hl 20 -as "nexus" -c data.config -o output4
Or they can be modified in the command line arguments. If you combine a configuration file with command line configuration paratemeters, the command line arguments will be used.
physcraper_run.py -s pg_55 -t tree5864 -a treebase_alns/pg_55tree5864_ndhf.aln -nt 8 -spn 3 -hl 20 -as "nexus" -db ~/ncbi/localblastdb/ -o output4
The current copnfiguration settings are written to standard out, and saved in the output directory as run.config e.g.
Entrez.email = None
e_value_thresh = 1e-05
hitlist_size = 20
location = local
localblastdb = /home/ejmctavish/ncbi/localblastdb/
url_base = None
num_threads = 8
delay = 90
spp_threshold = 3
seq_len_perc = 0.8
trim_perc = 0.8
max_len = 1.2
taxonomy_path = /home/ejmctavish/projects/otapi/physcraper/taxonomy