Releases: Matter-Overdrive-Community-Edition/MatterOverdrive-Community-Edition-1.12.2
What's Changed
- Allow omnitool to harvest any block by @TheNumenorean in #46
Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.8.1r
What's Changed
- Cleaning up presentation of the guide. by @Layarion in #19
- Gradle error fix, and minor format fix. by @Layarion in #31
- grammar fix by @Layarion in #32
- Fix builders wand by @TheNumenorean in #44
New Contributors
- @Layarion made their first contribution in #19
- @TheNumenorean made their first contribution in #44
Full Changelog: 0.7.5...0.8.0
0.7.6B: Galacticraft Crash Fix
Fixes Omni Tool crash with Galactic Craft.
Fixed Weapon Upgrades.
Fixed OmniTool Ignoring Block Harvest Levels.
Fixed OreDict Registration.
Fixed Offhand Weapon Render Bugs(For Mobs Too.)
Fixed Wireles Charging Module.
Fixed Pattern Monitor Render Bug.
Fixed Pill Color.
Fixed Cloak Affecting Hud Render.
Fixed Android Stat Icons.
Fixed Matter Analyzer "Tasks" lang now loads.
Fixed Weapon Overheat System.
Improved bounding box for charging station
Structure Fix's
Fixed Water flowing over charging stations in underwater structures
Fixed pattern monitor facing wrong way in underwater base.
Fixed charging stations facing wrong way in android houses...
Fixed Android spawn location fix for android house...
Fixed Android house replicator facing correct way...
Fixed loot chests in the android house and crashed ship facing wrong way also made them the new color ones..
Changed the cargoship network switch gen/fusion reactor io.
Fixed Weapon Upgrades.
Fixed OreDict Registration.
Fixed Offhand Weapon Render Bugs(For Mobs Too.)
Fixed Wireles Charging Module.
Fixed Pattern Monitor Render Bug.
Fixed Pill Color.
Fixed Cloak Affecting Hud Render.
Fixed Android Stat Icons.
Fixed Matter Analyzer "Tasks" lang now loads.
Fixed Weapon Overheat System.
Improved bounding box for charging station
Structure Fix's
Fixed Water flowing over charging stations in underwater structures
Fixed pattern monitor facing wrong way in underwater base.
Fixed charging stations facing wrong way in android houses...
Fixed Android spawn location fix for android house...
Fixed Android house replicator facing correct way...
Fixed loot chests in the android house and crashed ship facing wrong way also made them the new color ones..
Changed the cargoship network switch gen/fusion reactor io.
Added: Structure generation.
Added: Loot table for Structures.
AbyssalCraft bug fix.
Fixed Structure maps.
many other things...
Release of first Community Edition 0.7.2
Fixed all weapon cooldown issues.
Fixed Villager trades.
Fixed Emergencyshield/Shield no more single shot kill's for Skeleton's/TechGun's