This is a simple bot meant to make bridging easier for users, to use this, simply install like any other nodejs program, and create a file called config.json at the root of the project in the following format
"bots": [
"type": "discord",
"name": "Discord",
"token": "token"
"type": "spacebar",
"name": "Spacebar",
"token": "token",
"url": ""
"bridges": [
"name": "Discord",
"guild": "guildid",
"channel": "channelid"
"name": "Discord",
"guild": "guildid",
"channel": "channelid"
"name": "Discord",
"guild": "guildid",
"channel": "channelid"
"name": "Spacebar",
"guild": "guildid",
"channel": "channelid"
"mysql": {
"host": "host",
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"database": "datebase"
mysql is completly optional, it just provides as persistant mappings of ids, this bot will fall back to other methods if credtials are not provided