- Non Stop (DMA + Interrupt)
- Fast
- Easy Usage
- Rich Output
- Time (+ Local Time)
- Date
- Location
- Height
- Speed
- Number Of Satellites
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) {
if (huart->Instance == USART1) {
datas can be obtained directly from M_GPS structure (for more information read data structure section) or "get function"
// get locations
double M_GPS_getLatitude(void);
double M_GPS_getLongitude(void);
double M_GPS_getHeight(void);
double M_GPS_getGeoHeight(void);
// get more information
uint16_t M_GPS_getSpeed(void);
uint8_t M_GPS_getNumberOfSatellites(void);
// get time
void M_GPS_getTimeString(char *str);
uint8_t M_GPS_getHour(void);
uint8_t M_GPS_getMinute(void);
uint8_t M_GPS_getSecond(void);
uint8_t M_GPS_getMilliSecond(void);
// get date
void M_GPS_getDateString(char *str);
uint8_t M_GPS_getDay(void);
uint8_t M_GPS_getMon(void);
uint8_t M_GPS_getYear(void);
lat (latitude)
lon (longitude)
hei (height)
hgo (height of geoid)
NoS (number of satellites)
spd (speed)
hur (hour)
min (minute)
sec (second)
msc (millisecond)
yar (year)
mon (month)
day (day)
struct __M_GPS_Time{
uint8_t hur; // hour
uint8_t min; // minute
uint8_t sec; // second
uint8_t msc; // millisecond
struct __M_GPS_Date{
uint8_t yar; // year
uint8_t mon; // month
uint8_t day; // day
struct {
double lat; // latitude
double lon; // longitude
double hei; // height
double hgo; // height of geoid
uint8_t NoS; // number of satellites
uint16_t spd; // speed
struct __M_GPS_Time time;
struct __M_GPS_Date date;
} M_GPS;
Look in example folder for more information
Example Board: STM32F103C8
This part is under designing! (previous design with some problems is available in V1 Branch
Or just see PCB folder