I always felt sankeys were underutilized as a tool to communicate fiscal policy. Maybe now I know why, because this was not trivial! I made this just before I began my journey to be a full stack engineer and am in the process of improving the code quality.
- d3.js based dashboard gives 3 slices of fiscal data since 1968: 1) bar chart showing the overall balance, 2) sankey showing the revenue/spending flows, and 3) line charts showing the history for each category.
- Sankey transitions to any year selected with the slider.
- Hovering the mouse over a category highlights it in the sankey and line charts.
The sankey animation was a nice lesson in onchange vs end. I only want to bind new data when the user makes a choice by releasing the mouse button, which is the end event.
const slider = d3Slider
.width(barsContainer.offsetWidth - 62)
.on("onchange", (thisYear) => {
// when user drags mouse
.on("end", (thisYear) => {
// when user releases mouse
d3.csv("data/us-budget-sankey-main.csv").then((csv) => {
d3.csv("data/us-budget-sankey-deficit.csv").then((deficit) => {
newData(csv, deficit, thisYear);
setTimeout(() => drawDeficit(), newYearTransition);