The marvelous-query-language
) is an open source domain specific language built on top of .NET
It has been designed to help semi-technical users filter large data sources. To be as user-friendly as possible it offers
auto completions.
If you would like to use it along with Aurelia checkout project.
Project documentation:
.NET backend source code:
The marvelous-query-language
consists of 2 packages: client side and server side. First install client side library:
jspm install marvelous-query-language
Then load the css file:
import 'marvelous-aurelia-query-language/styles/default.css!';
To install server side part of the library use following NuGet install command:
Install-Package MarvelousSoftware.QueryLanguage
Once you do that install either MarvelousSoftware.Core.Host.Owin
or MarvelousSoftware.Core.Host.SystemWeb
NuGet package and use
it on the application start up:
using System.Web;
using MarvelousSoftware.Core.Host.SystemWeb;
namespace MarvelousSoftware.Examples.API
public class WebApiApplication : HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
// This line allows to use MarvelousSoftware products with SystemWeb
// It comes from MarvelousSoftware.Core.Host.SystemWeb package
// If you would like to use MarvelousSoftware products with more modern, Owin based applications
// then use MarvelousSoftware.Core.Host.Owin package and place below line in Startup.cs file
// app.UseMarvelousSoftware();
//.. rest of app's startup configuration
Now you are ready to go.
All modern browsers and IE >= 9.