- Tucson, Arizona
- https://marnee.silvrback.com/
FSharp.Data.SqlClient-dotnet Public
How to use fsc.props to make FSharp.Data.SqlClient work on .NET Core
dotnet-retire Public
Forked from RetireNet/dotnet-retireOpen source vulnerability scanner for .NET Core projects
chickadee Public
F# for APRS (ham radio)
Pi-APRS Public
Forked from km4ack/Pi-APRSpacket program designed to communicate with ISS via APRS
hamp2p Public
A collection of notes on how to implement p2p over ham radio
saturn-example Public
An example web application using Saturn, F#, and onion architecture
fsharp-worker Public
How to do a .NET Core Worker Service in F#
all-about-aprs Public
A repository of information on how APRS workk
Saturn Public
Forked from SaturnFramework/SaturnOpinionated, web development framework for F# which implements the server-side, functional MVC pattern
fsharp-companies Public
Forked from fsprojects/fsharp-companiesCommunity curated list of companies that use F#
Otp.NET Public
Forked from kspearrin/Otp.NETA .NET implementation of TOTP and HOTP for things like two-factor authentication codes.
FAPRS Public
This repo is obsolete. Please use Chickadee
RestApiTutorial.com Public
Forked from tfredrich/RestApiTutorial.comHTML Source code for www.RestApiTutorial.com
github-project-management-example Public
Forked from resbazaz/github-project-management-exampleExample of how to use GitHub for project management.
1 UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
testing-dependencies Public
Forked from CompositionalIT/testing-dependencies -
Giraffe Public
Forked from giraffe-fsharp/GiraffeA native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.
expecto Public
Forked from haf/expectoA smooth testing lib for F#. APIs made for humans! Strong testing methodologies for everyone!
presentations Public
Presentations I have done for Tucson Python Meetup, Data Science Meetup, and .Net Users Group
BDD-starter-kit Public
Getting started with BDD and automated UI testing
2018-02-10-Tucson Public
Forked from UA-Carpentries-Workshops/2018-02-10-Tucson -
fshelpers Public
Forked from CompositionalIT/fshelpersCollection of random F# Helper files
serilog-sinks-azureblobstorage Public
Forked from chriswill/serilog-sinks-azureblobstorageA Serilog sink that writes events to Azure Blob Storage
fsharp-ipfs-dsl Public
A declarative embedded language for building composable programs and protocols over the InterPlanetary File System
FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK Public
Forked from fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDKThe SDK for creating F# type providers