This repository contains example code and data accompanying the paper: "A Low-Cost Photobioreactor for Scalable Gas Vesicle Production".
The repository is divided into two sections:
- Photobioreactor microcontroller code
- MATLAB app for hydrostatic collapse pressure measurements
The code contained in Microcontroller_Photobioreactor.ino
is meant to run on Arduino UNO boards. Simply open the Microcontroller_Photobioreactor.ino
file in the Arduino IDE, and upload to an Arduino UNO.
Representative data is shown in Fig. 7a and 7b in the aforementioned manuscript. This app has several software dependencies which are listed below.
- ThorSpectra
- C++ compiler for MATLAB, add on
- Driver for your specific Serial-to-USB adaptor. Recommended Chipset PL2303 or FTDI chips (FTDI preferred if using more than one Serial-to-USB adaptors)
- go to 'C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\Win64\include'
- delete the 'visatype.h' file in that folder
- replace the 'visatype.h' file with the one packaged with this installation package.
- Install the MATLAB app
- Find the apps in the 'APPS' tab in the MATLAB ribbon menu.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.