It is a REST API that represents the payment logic depending on communication with an external service. This was done using clean architecture (Onion), organizing the project into use cases.
I will skip the explanation of the use of clean architectures and their layers. In this example, I wanted to showcase the use of an additional layer: the communication with the external service, defining the model and services within it, which will be used in the application layer.
I have been involved in many projects with this external dependency, and I believe that it is ideal to separate external models from our domain layer, as the latter may contain information that is important for our business needs.
I think the most important aspect of communication with an external service is to use the resilience pattern, with proper configuration of HTTP requests and logging with a TraceId to track issues accurately.
- Entity Framework Core
- Automapper
- FluentValidation
- MediatR
- Ardalis
- OpenTelemetry
- Hangfire
- EntityGuardian
- Serilog.AspNetCore
- IHttpClientFactory
- Polly
- Create Docker file
- Create a better readme
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