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Website Documentation

JonasHelming edited this page Jan 7, 2013 · 3 revisions

openETCS website documentation

Update project description

The project descriptions that can be viewed on are located within the folder repos.

The folder contains three JSON files:

  • repo-description-github.json:
    • contains automatically generated project information from github
  • repo-description-additions.json
    • can be used to add additional descriptions to the project like "incubating" or "parent"
  • repo-description-merged.json
    • both repo-description-github.json and repo-description-additions.json are merged into this file which is then used to display the project information on the website. If something changes in repo-description-additions.json, this file must be updated. Below is a detailed explanation of how to update this file and display the project information on the website.

Update list of repositories

To update the list of repositories from GitHub (e.g. after adding a new project) execute:

curl -k -u "JonasHelming" > result.txt

Afterwards, copy the content of "result.txt" to repo-description-github.json

Add additional project information

To edit the project descriptions, open the file repo-description-additions.json. The file can be edited directly on github:

repo-description-additions.json in github editor

Each project description is surrounded by curly brackets { }:

	"name" : "project name",
	"parent" : "name of the project where this sub-project belongs to
               (needed to represent project hirarchy)"
	"description" : "project description",
	"private" : true or false,
	"incubating" : true or false,
	"has_wiki" : true or false,
	"open_issues_count" : 5,
	"mailinglist" : "",
	"html_url" : ""

Most of the data is taken from the generated github file and does not have to be set manually. But "incubating", "mailinglist" and "parent" must be set manually if they need to appear on the website. All properties from repo-description-github.json can be overridden by repo-description-additions.json.

After updating the project descriptions hit Commit Changes:

repo-description-additions.json in github editor

Generate and update repo-description-merged.json

Now the file repo-description-merged.json needs to be updated. To do so, open this website. Copy the generated data from the textfield (right-click --> select all and then right-click --> copy)

copy generated data

After copying the generated data, return to and open the file repo-description-merged.json. Replace the old content by the newly generated data and hit Commit Changes.

The project data on should now be updated.