This project was developed in Young adessi training at Adesso Turkey. Used technologies;
- MSSQL and MongoDB are used as databases.
- Backend uses .NET and Node.js.
- Frontend use React.
- Used Docker-Compose.
Feature in the project;
- Register and log in.
- Adding, updating, deleting event.
- View Detail Event.
- Adding or removing an event from favorites.
- Join or unjoin to event.
To run a project with Docker Compose, you will need to have Docker installed on your machine. Once you have Docker installed, you can use the following steps to run your project:
- Clone the repository.
- Create a .env file Node folder and add variable.
- Run the "dotnet ef update database" command for migration operations in mssql. (MeetUp.Data)
- Build and start the containers: "docker-compose up --build -d"