It is resposable of receiving commands through UART receiver to do different system functions as register file reading/writing or doing some processing using ALU block and send result as well as CRC bits of result using 4 bytes frame through UART transmitter communication protocol.
You will find a full description for the system in the system documentaion in the DOCs directory Also DOCs directory contains a documentaion for the UART Tx and Rx blocks.
All files needed to implement this sytem design is provided in the Backend folder foe ex.:
- you will fine all the library files and tcl scripts used for synthesis in the Backend/synthesis
- you will fine all the library files and tcl scripts used for DFT insrtion in the Backend/DFT
- you will fine all the library files and tcl scripts used for Formalityin the Backend/formality
This system is designed using the VERILOG HDL and all the .v files can be found in the RTL floder.
The system is tested using a verilog test bench which you will find in the TB directory
You will find the system block diagram and other diagrams related to the design in the Images directory