Table of Contents
Taked is a to-do WebApp used to manage tasks efficiently. This app includes a user login function that allows users to manage their tasks on any device they want. They can delete tasks that are not needed or strike tasks that are done.
I used the following frameworks/tools to build this project:
Instruction to clone this reporsitory and setting it locally on your machine.
Django is a python based Web-Framework, so you will need python to use this project,
brew install python
sudo apt get python
- ON WINDOWS - install it from offical website
Follow the steps given below to clone, install and set up the project on your machine
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Go to that directory
cd todo-app
- Create a virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
ON MACvirtualenv env env\Scripts\activate
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirments.txt
- Make Migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
- Create a super user to login
python createsuperuser
and enter username and password
- Now Runserver to use,
python runserver
User need to log-in to gain access to their dashboard. New users can create an account by signning up. User can type their task in the feild given and click on the add button to add the task into the space below. They can strike out tasks that are done by clicking on the dash icon (-) or delete the tasks by clicking on the cross ( x )
M K Mukesh Kannan - @mukesh-kannan - [email protected]
Project Link: TODO