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samuelduchesne edited this page Oct 3, 2017 · 6 revisions

This wiki explains how to contribute to the umi documentation using GitHub as a collaborative framework. If you are not familiar with GitHub yet, take time to read this introduction to GitHub. If you are, then move to the next step!

How the public website works

The mechanics of the documentation website is quite simple. First, the GitHub repository, where you are right now, hosts the "code" or the different parts making-up the umi online documentation. Second, the actual public website is hosted elsewhere at The folks at build the documentation and host it for us. This way, we are always sure there is a working version of the documentation available for users. Whenever this GitHub repository is updated (e.g. when someone contributes to a section), the website builds the newest version and updates the website within minutes. In other words, if you want to modify the public website, you must first change this repository. The following section will explain how to contribute to the repository.


How to contribute

Contributing to the online documentation is very easy. Head over the the How to contribute section to learn more.