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Creates Alma-compliant XML patron profiles from information extracted from the Data Warehouse and transmits those files to an S3 bucket for ingest into Alma.


This application runs daily to create and deliver XML files for Alma to retrieve and load. It establishes a connection to the Data Warehouse and retrieves data for student and staff patrons via SQL queries. Different data are required for students and staff so separate queries are run againt the student and staff tables to retrieve the necessary data for each.

Though the zip files receive a suffix from Alma after processing to prevent them being re-processed, the application removes any existing zip files from the S3 bucket at the start of a run. This prevents any potential errors if Alma were to process more than 1 zip file of either staff or student data.

Given that student employees may appear as both staff and students, the application processing the staff names first and checks student names against the staff names to ensure that student employees only loaded into Alma once.

A zip file is created for each patron type containing an XML file with the Data Warehouse output formatted according to a template.

The staff and student zip files are then posted to the specified S3 bucket.

Finally, the application sends an email with the logs from the run to the lib-alma-notifications list.

Alma Processing Requirements

Maximum size for a zip file is 4 GB Maximum limit of 50 XML files in one zip file Maximum of 20 zip files for each import/synchronization

This app uploads 2 under 50MB zip files, each containing 1 XML file, so it is unlikely that the files produced will conflict with these requirements.


  • To install with dev dependencies: make install
  • To update dependencies: make update
  • To run unit tests: make test
  • To lint the repo: make lint
  • To run the app: pipenv run patronload --help

The Data Warehouse runs on a older version of Oracle that necessitates the thick mode of python-oracledb which requires the Oracle Instant Client Library (this app was developed with version

With Docker

Note: as of this writing, the Apple M1 Macs cannot run Oracle Instant Client, so Docker is the only option for development on those machines.

From the project folder:

  1. Run make dependencies with appropriate AWS credentials.

  2. Run make dist-dev to build the container.

  3. Run docker run alma-patronload-dev:latest.

Without Docker

  1. Download Oracle Instant Client (basiclite is sufficient) and set the ORACLE_LIB_DIR env variable.

  2. Run pipenv run patronload.

Connecting to the Data Warehouse

The password for the Data Warehouse is updated each year. To verify that the updated password works, the app must be run as an ECS task in the stage environment because Cloudconnector is not enabled in dev1. The app can run a database connection test when called with the flag, --database_connection_test or -t.

  1. Set AWS credentials for PatronloadManagers role in stage
  2. Run make database-connection-test-stage.
  3. View the logs from the ECS task run on CloudWatch.
    • On CloudWatch, select the alma-integrations-patronload-ecs-stage log group.

    • Select the most recent log stream.

    • Verify that the following log is included:

      Successfully connected to Oracle Database version: <VERSION NUMBER>

Running AWS ECS Tasks

To properly test with a connection to the Data Warehouse, the app must be run as an ECS task in the stage environment.

  1. Set AWS credentials for PatronloadManagers role in stage
  2. Set ECR_NAME_STAGE and ECR_URL_STAGE in .env file (see ECR_NAME_DEV and ECR_URL_DEV from Makefile for guidance).
  3. Run make dependencies.
  4. Build the image locally: make dist-stage.
  5. Publish the image to AWS ECR for stage: make publish-stage.
  6. From Terraform Cloud, select the workloads-patronload-stage workspace and copy the aws_cli_run_task command.
  7. Run the command in your terminal and observe the results in AWS.

Environment Variables


DATA_WAREHOUSE_USER=# The user for the Data Warehouse database.
DATA_WAREHOUSE_PASSWORD=# The password for the Data Warehouse database.
DATA_WAREHOUSE_HOST=# The host for the Data Warehouse database.
DATA_WAREHOUSE_PORT=# The port for the Data Warehouse database.
DATA_WAREHOUSE_SID=# The system identifier for the Data Warehouse database instance.
SES_RECIPIENT_EMAIL=# The email address to send to, typically a Moira list.
SES_SEND_FROM_EMAIL=# The email address to send from.
S3_BUCKET_NAME=# The S3 bucket in which files are deposited.
S3_PREFIX=# The file path prefix for files deposited to the S3 bucket.
WORKSPACE=# Set to `dev` for local development, this will be set to `stage` and `prod` in those environments by Terraform.


LOG_LEVEL=# The log level for the `alma-patronload` application. Defaults to `INFO` if not set.
ORACLE_LIB_DIR=# The directory containing the Oracle Instant Client library. 
SENTRY_DSN=# If set to a valid Sentry DSN, enables Sentry exception monitoring. This is not needed for local development.

Related Assets

            ["`Writes data as 
            zip file(s) to S3`"]
            [Emails stakeholders]


  • Team: DataEng
  • Last Maintenance: 2025-01
  • External Documentation: TODO...