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[email protected] committed Apr 13, 2020
1 parent 631c14c commit 7b403b6
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 177 deletions.
363 changes: 186 additions & 177 deletions library/src/main/java/com/minibugdev/drawablebadge/DrawableBadge.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ import androidx.annotation.*
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat
import java.lang.reflect.Type

class DrawableBadge private constructor(val context: Context,
@ColorInt val textColor: Int,
@ColorInt val badgeColor: Int,
@ColorInt val badgeBorderColor: Int,
val textTypeFace: Typeface,
val badgeBorderSize: Float,
val badgeSize: Float,
val badgeGravity: Int,
Expand All @@ -23,181 +25,188 @@ class DrawableBadge private constructor(val context: Context,
val isShowBorder: Boolean,
val maximumCounter: Int) {

class Builder(private val context: Context) {

@ColorInt private var textColor: Int? = null
@ColorInt private var badgeColor: Int? = null
@ColorInt private var badgeBorderColor: Int? = null
private var badgeBorderSize: Float? = null
private var badgeSize: Float? = null
private var badgeGravity: Int? = null
private var badgeMargin: Float? = null
private var bitmap: Bitmap? = null
private var isShowBorder: Boolean? = null
private var maximumCounter: Int? = null

private fun createBitmapFromDrawable(drawable: Drawable): Bitmap {
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.intrinsicWidth, drawable.intrinsicHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
return bitmap

fun drawableResId(@DrawableRes drawableRes: Int) = apply {
val res = context.resources
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, drawableRes)

if (bitmap == null) {
ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(res, drawableRes, null)
?.let {

fun drawable(drawable: Drawable): Builder = apply {
val drawableCompat = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable)
bitmap = when (drawableCompat) {
is BitmapDrawable -> drawableCompat.bitmap
else -> createBitmapFromDrawable(drawableCompat)

fun bitmap(bitmap: Bitmap) = apply { this.bitmap = bitmap }

fun textColor(@ColorRes textColorRes: Int) = apply { this.textColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, textColorRes) }

fun badgeColor(@ColorRes badgeColorRes: Int) = apply { this.badgeColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, badgeColorRes) }

fun badgeBorderColor(@ColorRes badgeBorderColorRes: Int) = apply { this.badgeBorderColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, badgeBorderColorRes) }

fun badgeBorderSize(@DimenRes badgeBorderSize: Int) = apply {
this.badgeBorderSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(badgeBorderSize)

fun badgeBorderSize(@Px badgeBorderSize: Float) = apply { this.badgeBorderSize = badgeBorderSize }

fun badgeSize(@DimenRes badgeSize: Int) = apply {
this.badgeSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(badgeSize)

fun badgeSize(@Px badgeSize: Float) = apply { this.badgeSize = badgeSize }

fun badgeGravity(badgeGravity: Int) = apply { this.badgeGravity = badgeGravity }

fun badgeMargin(@DimenRes badgeMargin: Int) = apply {
this.badgeMargin = context.resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(badgeMargin)

fun badgeMargin(@Px badgeMargin: Float) = apply { this.badgeMargin = badgeMargin }

fun showBorder(isShowBorder: Boolean) = apply { this.isShowBorder = isShowBorder }

fun maximumCounter(maximumCounter: Int) = apply { this.maximumCounter = maximumCounter }

fun build(): DrawableBadge {
if (bitmap == null) throw IllegalArgumentException("Badge drawable/bitmap can not be null.")
if (badgeSize == null) badgeSize(R.dimen.default_badge_size)
if (textColor == null) textColor(R.color.default_badge_text_color)
if (badgeColor == null) badgeColor(R.color.default_badge_color)
if (badgeBorderColor == null) badgeBorderColor(R.color.default_badge_border_color)
if (badgeBorderSize == null) badgeBorderSize(R.dimen.default_badge_border_size)
if (badgeGravity == null) badgeGravity(Gravity.TOP or Gravity.END)
if (isShowBorder == null) showBorder(true)
if (maximumCounter == null) maximumCounter(MAXIMUM_COUNT)

return DrawableBadge(
context = context,
bitmap = bitmap!!,
textColor = textColor!!,
badgeColor = badgeColor!!,
badgeBorderColor = badgeBorderColor!!,
badgeBorderSize = badgeBorderSize!!,
badgeSize = badgeSize!!,
badgeGravity = badgeGravity!!,
badgeMargin = badgeMargin ?: 0.0f,
isShowBorder = isShowBorder!!,
maximumCounter = maximumCounter!!)

fun get(counter: Int): Drawable {
val resources = context.resources
if (counter == 0) return BitmapDrawable(resources, bitmap)

val sourceBitmap = bitmap
val width = sourceBitmap.width
val height = sourceBitmap.height
val output = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)

val canvas = Canvas(output)
val rect = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
val paint = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
isFilterBitmap = true
isDither = true
textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
color = badgeColor
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, rect, rect, paint)

val badgeRect = getBadgeRect(rect)
canvas.drawOval(badgeRect, paint)

if (isShowBorder) {
val paintBorder = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
isFilterBitmap = true
isDither = true
textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
color = badgeBorderColor
strokeWidth = badgeBorderSize
canvas.drawOval(badgeRect, paintBorder)

val textSize: Float
val text: String
val max = if (maximumCounter > MAXIMUM_COUNT) MAXIMUM_COUNT else maximumCounter
if (counter > max) {
textSize = badgeRect.height() * 0.45f
text = "$max+"
else {
textSize = badgeRect.height() * 0.55f
text = counter.toString()

val textPaint = TextPaint().apply {
this.isAntiAlias = true
this.color = textColor
this.textSize = textSize

val x = badgeRect.centerX() - (textPaint.measureText(text) / 2f)
val y = badgeRect.centerY() - (textPaint.ascent() + textPaint.descent()) * 0.5f
canvas.drawText(text, x, y, textPaint)

return BitmapDrawable(resources, output)

private fun getBadgeRect(bound: Rect): RectF {
val borderSize = if (isShowBorder) badgeBorderSize else 0f
val adjustSpace = borderSize + badgeMargin

val dest = Rect()
val size = badgeSize.toInt()
Gravity.apply(badgeGravity, size, size, bound, adjustSpace.toInt(), adjustSpace.toInt(), dest)
return RectF(dest)

companion object {
private const val MAXIMUM_COUNT = 99
class Builder(private val context: Context) {

private var textColor: Int? = null
private var badgeColor: Int? = null
private var badgeBorderColor: Int? = null
private var textTypeFace: Typeface? = null
private var badgeBorderSize: Float? = null
private var badgeSize: Float? = null
private var badgeGravity: Int? = null
private var badgeMargin: Float? = null
private var bitmap: Bitmap? = null
private var isShowBorder: Boolean? = null
private var maximumCounter: Int? = null

private fun createBitmapFromDrawable(drawable: Drawable): Bitmap {
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.intrinsicWidth, drawable.intrinsicHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val canvas = Canvas(bitmap)
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
return bitmap

fun drawableResId(@DrawableRes drawableRes: Int) = apply {
val res = context.resources
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, drawableRes)

if (bitmap == null) {
ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(res, drawableRes, null)
?.let {

fun drawable(drawable: Drawable): Builder = apply {
val drawableCompat = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable)
bitmap = when (drawableCompat) {
is BitmapDrawable -> drawableCompat.bitmap
else -> createBitmapFromDrawable(drawableCompat)

fun bitmap(bitmap: Bitmap) = apply { this.bitmap = bitmap }

fun textColor(@ColorRes textColorRes: Int) = apply { this.textColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, textColorRes) }

fun badgeColor(@ColorRes badgeColorRes: Int) = apply { this.badgeColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, badgeColorRes) }

fun badgeBorderColor(@ColorRes badgeBorderColorRes: Int) = apply { this.badgeBorderColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, badgeBorderColorRes) }

fun textTypeface(@FontRes textTypeFaceRes: Int) = apply { this.textTypeFace = ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, textTypeFaceRes) }

fun badgeBorderSize(@DimenRes badgeBorderSize: Int) = apply {
this.badgeBorderSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(badgeBorderSize)

fun badgeBorderSize(@Px badgeBorderSize: Float) = apply { this.badgeBorderSize = badgeBorderSize }

fun badgeSize(@DimenRes badgeSize: Int) = apply {
this.badgeSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(badgeSize)

fun badgeSize(@Px badgeSize: Float) = apply { this.badgeSize = badgeSize }

fun badgeGravity(badgeGravity: Int) = apply { this.badgeGravity = badgeGravity }

fun badgeMargin(@DimenRes badgeMargin: Int) = apply {
this.badgeMargin = context.resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(badgeMargin)

fun badgeMargin(@Px badgeMargin: Float) = apply { this.badgeMargin = badgeMargin }

fun showBorder(isShowBorder: Boolean) = apply { this.isShowBorder = isShowBorder }

fun maximumCounter(maximumCounter: Int) = apply { this.maximumCounter = maximumCounter }

fun build(): DrawableBadge {
if (bitmap == null) throw IllegalArgumentException("Badge drawable/bitmap can not be null.")
if (badgeSize == null) badgeSize(R.dimen.default_badge_size)
if (textColor == null) textColor(R.color.default_badge_text_color)
if (badgeColor == null) badgeColor(R.color.default_badge_color)
if (badgeBorderColor == null) badgeBorderColor(R.color.default_badge_border_color)
if (badgeBorderSize == null) badgeBorderSize(R.dimen.default_badge_border_size)
if (badgeGravity == null) badgeGravity(Gravity.TOP or Gravity.END)
if (isShowBorder == null) showBorder(true)
if (maximumCounter == null) maximumCounter(MAXIMUM_COUNT)

return DrawableBadge(
context = context,
bitmap = bitmap!!,
textColor = textColor!!,
badgeColor = badgeColor!!,
badgeBorderColor = badgeBorderColor!!,
textTypeFace = textTypeFace!!,
badgeBorderSize = badgeBorderSize!!,
badgeSize = badgeSize!!,
badgeGravity = badgeGravity!!,
badgeMargin = badgeMargin ?: 0.0f,
isShowBorder = isShowBorder!!,
maximumCounter = maximumCounter!!)

fun get(counter: Int): Drawable {
val resources = context.resources
if (counter == 0) return BitmapDrawable(resources, bitmap)

val sourceBitmap = bitmap
val width = sourceBitmap.width
val height = sourceBitmap.height
val output = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)

val canvas = Canvas(output)
val rect = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
val paint = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
isFilterBitmap = true
isDither = true
textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
color = badgeColor
canvas.drawBitmap(sourceBitmap, rect, rect, paint)

val badgeRect = getBadgeRect(rect)
canvas.drawOval(badgeRect, paint)

if (isShowBorder) {
val paintBorder = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
isFilterBitmap = true
isDither = true
textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
color = badgeBorderColor
strokeWidth = badgeBorderSize
canvas.drawOval(badgeRect, paintBorder)

val textSize: Float
val text: String
val max = if (maximumCounter > MAXIMUM_COUNT) MAXIMUM_COUNT else maximumCounter
if (counter > max) {
textSize = badgeRect.height() * 0.45f
text = "$max+"
} else {
textSize = badgeRect.height() * 0.55f
text = counter.toString()

val textPaint = TextPaint().apply {
this.isAntiAlias = true
this.color = textColor
this.textSize = textSize
this.typeface = textTypeFace

val x = badgeRect.centerX() - (textPaint.measureText(text) / 2f)
val y = badgeRect.centerY() - (textPaint.ascent() + textPaint.descent()) * 0.5f
canvas.drawText(text, x, y, textPaint)

return BitmapDrawable(resources, output)

private fun getBadgeRect(bound: Rect): RectF {
val borderSize = if (isShowBorder) badgeBorderSize else 0f
val adjustSpace = borderSize + badgeMargin

val dest = Rect()
val size = badgeSize.toInt()
Gravity.apply(badgeGravity, size, size, bound, adjustSpace.toInt(), adjustSpace.toInt(), dest)
return RectF(dest)

companion object {
private const val MAXIMUM_COUNT = 99

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