Authors (Alphabetical): Nader Ahmed, Demiana Barsoum, Shail Dalal, Fiona Neylon, Courtney Smith
![BotROS portrait](
The aim of this project was to paint dot an image using the Emika Franka Panda 7 DOF robotic arm. The system utilizes computer vision and color detection to identify the location of the brushes and various paint colors on a palette. The robot then plans and excecutes trajectories using a custom MoveIt API.
- Connect to the Franka and realsense camera
- Access the robot arm through the terminal: ssh into
ssh student@station
. - On
, runrun ros2 launch franka_moveit_config use_rviz:=false robot_ip:=panda0.robot
to start the controllers and moveit. - On laptop,
into workspace containing our packages. - In
, editfile_name
to match and load the saved path of the.json
file of desired image. - On laptop from the workspace containing our packages, run
ros2 launch listen_apriltags aprilTags.launch.xml
to start the realsense camera, rviz, and the april_tag node.- Before continuing, make sure there are no warnings within the tf tree in rviz and proceed
- After confirming that april tags were launched succesfully, run
ros2 run color colordetection
in the workspace containing the packages to start the color detection of the paint locations. - Lastly, from the folder containing the desired image json, run
ros2 run mattagascar iliketomoveitmoveit
- Finally, sit back and enjoy the robot painting :)
To visualize the preset image data loaded in /waypoints/jsons
, run python3 generate_waypoints
within the waypoints
For painting novel drawings, place an image in /waypoints/images
. The waypoint generator can then be used to create a new .json file for drawing.
is a custom Python API for MoveIt. It is used for path planning and executing the planned trajectory. It uses predefined functions from populate_msgs
, which are actions, services, and messages for MoveIt.
package utilizes the frankastein API to interface with the franka and other packages via the iliketomoveitmoveit
package broadcasts the april tags into the tf tree. This package also publishes the location of the paint brushes.
consists of the custom msg, Loc
, to interact with the brush locations found via april tags.
package creates the location of the paint dots from a specific image using a Canny edge detector and OpenCV to discretize the outline.
contains the custom message type to publish the dot locations.
package identifies the location of each paint color. This node listens to the tf tree to find the palette location. After recieving palette location, it uses color detection within a specified radius to narrow the field of detection for each color.
- this node contains all the motions required for the franka to move to dot paint a specified image using cartesian path planning. It breaks the points loaded by from the json
file to individual waypoints for each point, which includes a standoff position. The robot goes to standoff, dots, and then returns to standoff. This node also handles when the robot goes to fetch paint after a specificed amount of dots and when to switch paintbrushes and colors, and when to return brushes back once painting is complete.
- The listener node establishes the transform between the camera and the robot through the apriltag locations. It publishes the locations of the paint brushes and paint palette to the /paint_loc
topic via the custom message type listen_apriltags_interfaces/msg/Loc
- This node offers a service to take a picture through the realsense camera. The image is processed into waypoints which are published to the 'outline_waypoints' topic.
- The node is used to detect color in the palette placed in franka's workspace.The node uses Computer Vision to create a mask around the palette and braodcasts the location of each color with respect to the Franka's base frame (panda_link_0). The supported colors are blue, green,orange,purple,red and yellow.
- contains the location of the paint brushes and paint palette as a float array of x,y, and z positions
- contains the position of a singular waypoint (x,y)
- contains array of the Waypoint type
- Canny edge detection
- Color HSV tracking
- Color thresholding, blob tracking
- implement a dynamic system to check whether the paint brush needs more paint
- optimize the number of waypoints without sacrificing image quality
- increase the workspace of the robot by experimenting with different canvas positions
- incorporate a dynamic dip down distance to the canvas