Web project developed using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and Google Charts & Maps APIs as part of a coursework assignment at university
- Download the uncleansed air quality data here: https://uweacuk-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/michael3_duncan_live_uwe_ac_uk/EkQghDTlG29HoDK10pUDpYQBGcwgE_IBC9FgiVHe_x2DVQ?e=DDvSP9
- Download the repository
- Add the file downloaded in Step 1 to the
folder from the repository. - Copy and paste the
folder into a web server. If you are using XAMPP like I did, then this directory should be pasted into your "htdocs" folder.
- Open the following file:
- Overwrite and save the file with the following code:
<?php include"extract-to-csv.php";?>
- Run your server and type
into your web browser.
- Open the following file:
- Overwrite and save the file with the following code:
<?php include"normalize-to-xml.php";?>
- Run your server and type
into your web browser.
- Run your server and type
into your web browser. - Choose from the two options. The first displays a scatter graph of NO data from each station that has data available from the latest 5 years. The second displays a line graph for a station for any of the pollutants specified, from the latest 5 years.
- Run your server and type
into your web browser. - Choose a station, date and pollutant from the lists and search to view pollution data for that day.