The Autonomous Script Crafter is a tool to allow anyone to build scripts for FRC robots in autonomous mode.
The easiest way to install the script crafter is to head over to the releases page and download the latest installer(exe).
For linux or MAC OS X download the jar file. NOTE:You will need java installed.
Download the latest Java JDK and install it and add javac to the path.
Clone or download the repository and open a command prompt or terminal window in the src directory where it weas cloned.
Type the following commands
dir /s /B *.java > sources.txt
find -name "*.java" > sources.txt
javac -d bin @sources.txt java -cp bin ./team2655/scriptcrafter/gui/ScriptCrafter
(OPTIONAL)To Package a jar file:
jar -cfem ./ScriptCrafter.jar ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ./*/*/*