Teabag is a bash script that manages required services for GreenTea.
Teabag has a couple dependencies:
- pgrep - a process grep program
- pkill - a process killer program
mv <the teabag script> /usr/local/bin/teabag
sudo chmod 755 teabag
Open the teabag script in your favorite text editor and change these configuration settings located at the top of the file:
# Configuration Settings #
GREENTEA_DIR='<Greentea's Root Path>'
To start up all the currently configured processes:
To start specific processes:
teabag infuse <process>
To check which processes Teabag is currently configured for:
teabag processes
To check the status of all currently configured proccesses:
teabag status
To kill all running processes:
teabag kill
To kill specific processes:
teabag kill <process>
To list all usable commands:
teabag usage
To restart the apache server alone:
teabag apache
For help with any commands:
teabag help <command>