Backport of ESM for 1.7.10 & 1.12.2
1. Click on the button in your inventory or assign a key to open the gui.
2. Click on the button next to the sound you want to muffle.
3. Optional: Set the volume of the sound dragging the slider around.
4. Optional: Press the play button to be sure that's the sound you want to muffle.
5. Enjoy peace.
1. Open your ESM Screen
2. Select one of the 10 numbered buttons
3. Press the marker like button on the right panel to set the Anchor position
4. Optional: press the edit Anchor button (next to marker) and set the name and range of the Anchor
5. Muffle the sounds and enjoy ranged peace
If you don't like the position of the button, you can hold CTRL + left mouse button over the muffler button and drag it wherever you want.
- You can put the muffle and play buttons on the left right of the screen for easier visuals.
- You can disable the anchors.
- You can blacklist sounds to prevent them to appear in the ESM screen.
- You can choose the default muffle volume.
- You can disable the Inventory button