Hey! We absolutely love pull requests and feature suggestions! Before making a pull request for a new feature, we'd like you to open an issue about it first, just to make sure we're on the same page with where we're going. If you'd like to submit a bugfix, please do so! This is the process for getting your changes added:
- If new feature, submit issue asking if it's something we plan to add. If you get approval to work on it, go for it!
- Fork the master branch and make your changes there.
- If you need a Sass compile, just mention me @LunarGem and I'll do your compile for you :) Don't edit the CSS files, it makes the Sass gods angry!
- When you're done, create a pull request.
- When someone's signed off on it, it can be merged.
- You're done!
Try to make sure that everything works before submitting your pull, so there's less work for those of us who are still trying to graduate!
** Code of Conduct
Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of a six-year-old. Be nice!