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Releases: LucasPickering/slumber

3.0.1 - 2025-02-19

19 Feb 16:23
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Release Notes


  • Text box now scrolls to the cursor when it's off screen
  • Fix panics when the screen gets very small #469

Install slumber 3.0.1

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 3.0.1

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

3.0.0 - 2025-02-15

17 Feb 23:19
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Release Notes

A major release! The main focus of this release is the introduction of shell commands for data querying and export. Previously, you could query response bodies within the TUI only using JSONPath. This limited querying only to JSON responses, and the limited amount of operators supported by JSON. Now, you can use whatever shell commands you want (such as head, grep, and jq) to filter your reponses bodies, right in the TUI! Check out the docs for more examples.

In addition to the querying change, this release includes a handful of breaking changes, none of which are likely to cause issues for existing users.


  • Don't store CLI requests in history
  • Simplify display for slumber request
    • The flags --status, --headers and --no-body have been removed in favor of a single --verbose flag
  • Remove DB migration to upgrade from the pre-1.8.0 DB format
    • This only impacts users upgrading to 3.0.0 from versions before 1.8.0. You'll need to upgrade to an intermediate version first. If you install 3.0.0 and try to start it, you'll see an error message explaining how to fix it.
    • See #306 for more info


  • Replace JSONPath querying with general purpose shell commands for querying response bodies. See docs
    • Now you can access any CLI tools you want for transforming response bodies, such as jq or grep
    • By default, commands are executed via sh (or cmd on Windows), but this is configured via the field
  • Add keybind (: by default) to run an "export" command with a response body, allowing you to run arbitrary shell commands to save a response body to a file, copy it to the clipboard, etc. See docs
  • Add slumber history subcommand. Currently it has two operations:
    • slumber history list lists all stored requests for a recipe
    • slumber history get prints a specific request/response
  • Add --output flag to slumber request to control where the response body is written to
  • Support MIME type mapping for pager config field, so you can set different pagers based on media type. See docs
  • Several changes related to keybinds and action menus to make the two feel more cohesive
    • Add "Edit" and "Reset" actions to menus on the recipe pane
      • These don't provide any new functionality, as the e and z keys are already bound to those actions, but it should make them more discoverable
    • Add keybind (v by defualt) to open a recipe/request/response body in your pager
      • Previously this was available only through the actions menu
    • "View Body" and "Copy Body" actions for a recipe are now only available within the Body tab of the Recipe pane
      • Previously they were available anywhere in the Recipe List or Recipe panes. With the addition of other actions to the menu it was started to feel cluttered


  • Denote templates that have been edited during the current session with italics instead of a faint "(edited)" note
  • Header names in recipes are now lowercased in the UI
    • They have always been lowercased when the request is actually sent, so now the UI is just more representative of what will be sent
  • Accept a directory for the --file/-f CLI argument


  • Fix certain recipe-related menu actions being enabled when they shouldn't be

Install slumber 3.0.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 3.0.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

2.5.0 - 2025-01-06

07 Jan 00:03
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Release Notes



  • Update editor-command, which replaces shellish_parse with shell-words for editor and pager command parsing
    • There should be no impact to users
  • Don't show "Loaded collection from ..." notification on initial load

Install slumber 2.5.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 2.5.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

2.4.0 - 2024-12-27

27 Dec 20:45
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Release Notes


  • Add filter box to the recipe list
    • This behavior is not necessarily final. Please leave feedback if you think it could be improved.


  • Wrap long error messages in response pane
  • Include data path in config/collection deserialization errors
    • This should make errors much less cryptic and frustrating
  • Improve UX of query text box
    • The query is now auto-applied when changed (with a 500ms debounce), and drops focus on the text box when Enter is pressed
  • Refactor UI event handling logic
    • This shouldn't have any noticable impact on the user, but if you notice any bugs please open an issue
  • Include request duration in History modal
  • Rename viewer config field to pager
    • The old field name viewer is still supported for backward compatibility, but the docs have been updated to suggest the newer name instead
  • Load pager command from the PAGER environment variable if available, similar to the EDITOR environment variable


  • Don't show request cancellation dialog if the selected request isn't building/loading

Install slumber 2.4.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 2.4.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

2.3.0 - 2024-11-11

11 Nov 02:37
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Release Notes


  • Add "View Body" action to response bodies, to open a body in an external viewer such as less or fx #404


  • Preserve key order of objects in JSON responses #405


  • Fixed ignore_certificate_hosts and large_body_size fields not being loaded from config
  • Improve performance of large response bodies #356
    • This includes disabling prettyification and syntax highlighting on bodies over 1 MB (this size is configurable, via the large_body_size config field)
    • Loading a large response body should no longer cause the UI to freeze or low framerate

Install slumber 2.3.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 2.3.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

2.2.0 - 2024-10-22

22 Oct 00:52
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Release Notes


  • Add shell completions, accessed by enabling the COMPLETE environment variable
    • For example, adding COMPLETE=fish slumber | source to your fish.config will enable completions for fish
    • See docs for more info and a list of supported shells
  • Add slumber gen alias to --help documentation


  • Fix error loading requests with empty header values from history #400
  • Fix input bindings involving shift and a character (e.g. shift g) #401

Install slumber 2.2.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 2.2.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

2.1.0 - 2024-09-27

27 Sep 19:41
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Release Notes


  • Use SLUMBER_CONFIG_PATH to customize configuration (not collection) file path #370
  • Add a dynamic variant to !select chain type, allowing your collection to present a list of values driven from the output of another chain. (thanks @anussel5559)
  • Cancel in-flight requests with the cancel action (bound to escape by default)
  • Add slumber new subcommand to generate new collection files #376
  • Add default field to profiles
    • When using the CLI, the --profile argument can be omitted to use the default profile
  • Reset edited recipe values to their default using z
  • Add selector_mode field to chains, to control how single vs multiple results from a JSONPath selector are handled
    • Previously, if a selector returned multiple results, an error was returned. Now, the result list will be rendered as a JSON array. To return to the previous behavior, set selector_mode: single in your chain.
    • See docs for more


  • Update file locations to adhere to XDG spec on Linux #371
    • Move config file to config dir, which remains the same on MacOS/Windows but changes on Linux. For backward compatibility, the previous path (data dir) will be checked and used if present
    • Move log files to state dir on Linux and cache dir on MacOS/Windows
    • Database file remains in data dir on all platforms
  • Create config file on startup if it doesn't exist
  • If config file fails to load during TUI startup, display an error and fall back to the default, rather than crashing
  • De-deprecate {{env.VARIABLE}} template sources
    • They'll remain as a simpler alternative to !env chains


  • Updated the Configuration docs to remove the non-existent slumber show dir command (thanks @SVendittelli)
  • Retain all request history when collection file is reloaded
    • Previously, pending and failed requests were lost on reload within a single session. These will still be lost when a session is exited.
  • Fix serialization of query parameter lists
  • Don't update UI for useless events (e.g. cursor moves)

Install slumber 2.1.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 2.1.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

2.0.0 - 2024-09-06

08 Sep 02:21
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Release Notes

2.0 is headlined by a highly requested feature: one-off edits to recipes! If you need to tweak a query parameter or edit a body, but don't want to modify your collection file, you can now highlight the value in question and hit e to modify it. The override will be retained until you modify the collection file or exit Slumber, at which point it will revert to its original value.

Aside from the major new feature, there is one breaking change to the escape syntax of templates. The old backslash-based syntax was fraught with edge cases and unpredictable behavior. This new syntax is simpler to use, simpler to implement, and much more bulletproof. This syntax was rare to use to begin with, so most people will be unimpacted by this change.

Here's the full list of changes:


  • Replace backslash escape sequence with a simpler scheme based on _
    • For example, previously a key would be escaped as \{{. This introduced complexities around how to handle additional backslashes, and also required doubling up backslashes in YAML
    • The new equivalent would be {_{, which parses as {{
    • The goal of this change is to make escaping behavior simpler and more consistent
    • For more info on the new behavior, see the docs
  • Remove --log CLI argument
    • See note on log files in Changed section for why this is no longer necessary


  • Edit recipe values (query params, headers, etc.) in the TUI to provide one-off values
  • Add editor field to the config, allowing you to customize what editor Slumber opens for in-app editing
  • Add !select chain type, allowing your collection to prompt the user to select a value from a static list (thanks @anussel5559)


  • !json bodies are now prettified when sent to the server
  • Use vim as default editor if none is configured
  • Move logs back to a shared file
    • They had been split into one file per session, which made them hard to find
    • The file is now eventually deleted once it exceeds a certain size


  • Fix basic auth being label as bearer auth in Recipe Authentication pane
  • Use correct binding for search action in the placeholder of the response filter textbox
    • Previously it was hardcoded to display the default of /
  • Fix response body filter not applying on new responses
  • Support quoted arguments in editor commands
  • Fix certain UI values not persisting correctly
  • Propagate unconsumed key events from text boxes
    • E.g. F5 will now refresh the collection while a text box is in focus
  • Redraw TUI when terminal is resized
  • Clamp text window scroll state when window is resized or text changes
  • Fix extraneous input events when exiting Vim #351
  • Improve performance and fix crashes when handling large request/response bodies #356
    • Further improvements for large bodies will be coming in the future

Install slumber 2.0.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/tap/slumber

Download slumber 2.0.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

1.8.0 - 2024-08-09

09 Aug 13:25
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Release Notes

The highlight (no pun intended) of this release is syntax highlighting. Beyond that, the release contains a variety of small fixes and improvements.


  • Add syntax highlighting to recipe, request, and response display #264


  • Change layout of internal database for request and UI state storage
    • This shouldn't have any user impact, it's just a technical improvement. If you notice any issues such as missing or incorrect request history, please let me know
  • Upgrade to Rust 1.80
  • Disable unavailable menu actions #222
  • Support template for header names in the section field of !request chains
  • Expand ~ to the home directory in !file chain sources and when saving response body as a file
  • Ignore key events with additional key modifiers
    • For example, an action bound to w will no longer match ctrl w
  • Actions can now be unbound by specifying an empty binding
    • For example, binding submit: [] will make the submit action inaccessible


  • Fix cargo install slumber when not using --locked
  • Don't type in text boxes when modifiers keys (other than shift) are enabled
    • Should mitigate some potential confusing behavior when using terminal key sequences
  • Query parameter and header toggle rows no longer lose their state when switching profiles

Install slumber 1.8.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/homebrew-tap/slumber

Download slumber 1.8.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum

1.7.0 - 2024-07-22

22 Jul 21:22
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Release Notes

This release focuses on minor fixes and improvements. There are no new major features or added functionality.


  • Add global --log argument to CLI, to print the log file being used for that invocation


  • Checkbox row state and folder expand/collapse state are now toggled via the spacebar instead of enter
    • Enter now sends a request from anywhere. While this change may be annoying, it will hopefully be more intuitive in the long run.
    • This can be rebound (see docs)
  • Show folder tree in recipe pane when a folder is selected
  • Don't exit body filter text box on Enter #270
  • Show elapsed time for failed requests (e.g. in case of network error)


  • Fix latest request not being pre-selected correctly if it's not a successful response
  • Detect infinite loops in chain configuration templates
  • Duplicated chains in a recipe will only be rendered once #118
  • Never trigger chained requests when rendering template previews in the TUI
  • Use a different log file for each session #61

Install slumber 1.7.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

powershell -c "irm | iex"

Install prebuilt binaries via Homebrew

brew install LucasPickering/homebrew-tap/slumber

Download slumber 1.7.0

File Platform Checksum
slumber-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
slumber-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum
slumber-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz x64 MUSL Linux checksum