This is a to-do list web application, responsible for helping you organize your routine of tasks that need to be done during the day.
🖊 – Create task
✅ – Finish Task
🗑️ – Delete Task
🗣️ - Switcher Language (English, Spanish, Portuguese)
These projects were built with these technologies:
- React
- TypeScript
- Jest
- Jest Environment Jsdom
- Testing-library - jest-dom
- Testing-library - react
- Testing-library - user-event
- TailwindCss
- Phosphor-icons - React
- Vite
- Node - version 18.12.1
To run the application, be sure you have Git installed on your machine.
1. Make clone this repository through the command:
$ [email protected]:LucasAnselmoSilva12345/John-Task-List.git
2. After performing the clone the project, still in the terminal, enter the project folder:
$ cd John-Task-List
Note: To perform the command execution in the next step, ensure that you have node installed on your machine to be able to use npm
. Or, if you prefer to install the dependencies via yarn
, make sure you have yarn installed on your machine.
3. After entering the project folder, run the command:
$ npm install
$ yarn
To perform the installation of dependencies.
4. After installing the dependencies and still in the project folder vide terminal, run the command:
$ code .
To open the project in the Visual Studio Code.
5. After opening the project in your Visual Studio Code, go back to the terminal screen, and run the command:
$ npm run dev
yarn dev
To execute the project
6. Once this is done, just open the project in your browser, through the link:
$ http://localhost:5173/
To execute unit or integration tests
7. Execute this command in your terminal:
$ npm test
yarn test