Magic和Team字段是无效字段,我将Magic改成rwnd,因为拥塞控制sender需要实时更新receiver的rwnd。Team改成update_rwnd,update_rwnd=1时意味着sender向receiver请求rwnd。因为当rwnd=0时,sender不会像receiver发送数据,具体参考计网参考教材3.5.5。 对于可靠数据传输使用的是SR选择重选策略,拥塞控制实现了慢启动,快速恢复,拥塞避免,具体参考3.7中图3-51 TCP拥塞控制的FSM描述。超时时间间隔参考计网中文书3.5.3,其中对于每个已确认并且未重传的数据包计算SampleRTT。
First, clone the repo from github and change the git remote tag::
git clone
cd CS305-Project-Skeleton
git remote rename origin staff
After doing so you can use the following command to get the latest update like newly-released checkpoints or so.
git pull staff
Then create a private repo your own on github, you will have the link <YOUR_URL> of your new repo.
Return to the local repo, run
git remote add group <YOUR_URL>
git push group -u
After this, you will be synchronize changes of your code to your own repo by
git push group
or simply
git push
In short, run
git push
git pull group
when synchronizing to your repo,
git pull staff
when fetching updates from the staff repo.
This will be short version of the example described in the document.
In our example, a file will be divived into 4 chunks, and peer1 will have chunk1 and chunk2, while peer2 will have chunk3 and chunk4. Peer1 will be invoked to download chunk3 from peer2.
First generate fragment that peer1 and peer2 have at the beginning
python3 util/ example/ex_file.tar ./example/data1.fragment 4 1,2
python3 util/ example/ex_file.tar ./example/data2.fragment 4 3,4
Then generate chunkhash data for peer1 to be downloaded:
sed -n "3p" master.chunkhash > example/download.chunkhash
perl util/ -m example/ -n example/ex_nodes_map -p 52305 -v 2
You need to start each peer in theri own shells.
export SIMULATOR=" 52305"
python3 example/ -p example/ex_nodes_map -c example/data2.fragment -m 1 -i 2 -v 3
export SIMULATOR=" 52305"
python3 example/ -p example/ex_nodes_map -c example/data1.fragment -m 1 -i 1 -v 3
Enter this message in the receiver's stdin
DOWNLOAD example/download.chunkhash example/test.fragment
After downloading successfully, you will see
GOT example/test.fragment
Expected chunkhash: 3b68110847941b84e8d05417a5b2609122a56314
Received chunkhash: 3b68110847941b84e8d05417a5b2609122a56314
Successful received: True
Congrats! You have completed the example!