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akgillespie8 committed Jul 23, 2021
1 parent d8711e5 commit 917a270
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Showing 35 changed files with 15,134 additions and 2 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions Clusterless_schematic.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
destdir = '/mnt/stelmo/anna/despereaux/filterframework/';
t=3; % 2 20
marks = loaddatastruct(destdir, animal,'marks',[d e ]);
pos = loaddatastruct(destdir, animal,'pos',[d e ]);

linposfile = sprintf('%sdecoding/', destdir, animal, d, e);
linpos = ncread(linposfile,'linpos_flat')+1;
linvel = ncread(linposfile,'linvel_flat');
linposts = ncread(linposfile,'time');

immobilefilter = {'ag_get2dstate', '($immobility == 1)','immobility_velocity',4,'immobility_buffer',0};
immoperiods = kk_evaluatetimefilter(destdir,animal, {immobilefilter}, [d e]);
immospikes = isExcluded(marks{d}{e}{t}.times, immoperiods{d}{e});
% correct for gaps between arms
nodatarows = histcounts(linpos,[1:max(linpos)+1])==0;
correction = cumsum(nodatarows);
linposcorr = double(linpos)'-correction(linpos);
bounds = .5+find(diff(correction(~nodatarows))>0);

starttime = 3000; %
endtime = 7500; %
markinds = marks{d}{e}{t}.times>=starttime & marks{d}{e}{t}.times<=endtime & ~immospikes;

posinds = linposts>=starttime & linposts<=endtime;
posatmarktimes = linposcorr(lookup(marks{d}{e}{t}.times(markinds),linposts));
%edges = [0 10 27 44 76 92 108 124 140];
%segatmarktimes = discretize(posatmarktimes,edges);
%segs = discretize(linpos,edges);

figure; set(gcf,'Position',[86 179 1804 739])
subplot(1,3,1); hold on
subsetpos = linposts>=6850 & linposts<=7250;
scatter(pos{d}{e}.data(subsetpos & posinds & linvel>=4,7),pos{d}{e}.data(subsetpos & posinds & linvel>=4,6),10,linposcorr(subsetpos & posinds & linvel>=4),'filled')
set(gca,'YDir','reverse'); ylabel('x (cm; rev)'); xlabel('y (cm)');
title(sprintf('%s d%d e%d t%d',animal,d,e,t));
scatter(linposts(subsetpos & posinds & linvel>=4)-starttime,linposcorr(subsetpos & posinds & linvel>=4),10,linposcorr(subsetpos & posinds & linvel>=4),'filled') %segs
ylabel('linearized pos'); xlabel('time (s)'); axis square tight; colorbar

figure % save separately otherwise too big
scatter(marks{d}{e}{t}.marks(markinds,1),marks{d}{e}{t}.marks(markinds,3),10,posatmarktimes,'filled'); colorbar %,'MarkerFaceAlpha',.5
xlabel('ch2 amplitude (uV)'); ylabel('ch3 amplitude (uV)'); ylim([-200 1000]); xlim([-200 800]);

%% plot spike raster
tetinfo = loaddatastruct(destdir, animal,'tetinfo',[d e]);
tets = evaluatefilter(tetinfo{d}{e},'isequal($area,''ca1'')'); %
rips = loaddatastruct(destdir, animal,'ca1rippleskons',[d e]);
immoevents = isExcluded(rips{d}{e}{1}.starttime, immoperiods{d}{e}) & isExcluded(rips{d}{e}{1}.endtime, immoperiods{d}{e});
valrips = isExcluded(rips{d}{e}{1}.starttime, immoperiods{d}{e}) & isExcluded(rips{d}{e}{1}.endtime, immoperiods{d}{e}) ;
riptsz = [rips{d}{e}{1}.starttime(valrips), rips{d}{e}{1}.endtime(valrips), rips{d}{e}{1}.maxthresh(valrips)];

figure; hold on;
startend = [5678.892 5682.892];
ripinds = riptsz(:,1)>startend(1) & riptsz(:,2)<startend(2);
for t = 1:length(tets)
spktimes = marks{d}{e}{tets(t)}.times(marks{d}{e}{tets(t)}.times>=startend(1) & marks{d}{e}{tets(t)}.times<=startend(2));
plot([spktimes'; spktimes'],repmat([t-.9;t],1,length(spktimes)),'k')
patch([riptsz(ripinds,1:2), fliplr(riptsz(ripinds,1:2))],[0 0 t t]','k','FaceAlpha',.1,'EdgeColor','none');
axis tight; ylabel('tets'); title(sprintf('%s d%d e%d',animal, d, e));

%% plot velocity
posinds = linposts>=startend(1) & linposts<=startend(2);
patch([riptsz(ripinds,1:2), fliplr(riptsz(ripinds,1:2))],[0 0 75 75]','k','FaceAlpha',.1,'EdgeColor','none');
axis tight; ylabel('velocity (cm/s)'); title(sprintf('%s d%d e%d',animal, d, e)); ylim([0 75]); set(gca,'ytick',[0 25 50 75])
103 changes: 101 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,101 @@
# Gillespie_Neuron_2021
analysis code for Gillespie et al, Neuron 2021
Code for doing analysis and generating figures for Gillespie et al, "Hippocampal replay represents specific past experiences rather than a plan for subsequent choice"

Franklab repos needed:

for data processing: trodes2ff_shared (franklab public)

for analysis: filterframework_shared (franklab private)

Data acquired 2018-2020 using trodes1.6.3 and 30-tet DKR drive version for 4 rats: Jaq, Roquefort, Despereaux, Montague
Data was extracted using D. Liu's python extractor to run Trodes export functions, then processed and analysed in Matlab 2015b

Decoding results used are "ripdecodesv3.mat" pulled from /filterframework/decoding/ (2-state state space model, decoding all times, 2ms bins, 5cm time bins, uniform and stepwise transmats (equal prob back/forward/stay); decoding done mostly at LLNL)

Figures were saved in as pdf or eps and formatted in Adobe Illustrator

Data in NWB format is available on the DANDI Archive:

saved outputs (f) included:

- dfs_ripcontent -> ctrl_ripcontent.mat
- dfs_ripcontent_ripspeed -> ctrl_ripcontent_ripspeed.mat
- dfs_ripcontent_movement -> ctrl_movementquant_full2state_all_withtrialwise.mat

Code to generate figures:

Figure 1:

- B,C - plot_behavior_example.m, desp15_2
- D - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 1
- E,F - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 2

Figure 2:

- A,B - dfs_plotripcontent.m, span=full, despereaux session 8
- C,D,E - dfs_plotripcontent.m, span=rips, despereaux session 8, tets 25,26,30
- F - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 3

Figure 3:

- A - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 3
- B,C - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 4
- D,E - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 5

Figure 4:

- A,B - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 5
- C - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 6

Figure 5:

- A - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 7
- B,C,D - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 6
- E - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 8
- Correlations (in text, no fig) - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 16

Figure 6: dfs_ripcontent.m, part 9

Figure 7: dfs_ripcontent.m, part 8

Figure 8:

- A - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 10
- B - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 5

Supplementary Fig 1:

- A - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 11
- C - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 12

Supplementary Fig 2: clusterless_schematic.m

Supplementary Fig 3:

- A-C - dfs_ripcontent_movement.m, part 2
- D-F - dfs_ripcontent_movement.m, part 6
- G - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 3
- H - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 13

Supplementary Fig 4: dfs_plotripcontent, span=rips, run once per rat (day/ep/rip noted on fig)

Supplementary Fig 5:

- first run dfs_ripfeatures.m to calc tetwise features (slow! alternativately, load saved output)
- then dfs_ripcontent.m, part 14 to visualize

Supplementary Fig 6: dfs_ripcontent.m, part 5

Supplementary Fig 7: dfs_ripcontent.m, part 6 (commented out)

Supplementary Fig 8:

- A-D - dfs_ripcontent_ripspeed.m
- E-G - dfs_ripcontent.m, part 15

Control Analyses (not shown in figures):

- Likelihoods (decode without state space model, 20ms bins): dfs_likcontent.m
- Use MUA as event detection instead of SWRs: dfs_muacontent.m
- Use 3-state decoder instead of 2-state to exclude stationary events: dfs_ripcontent_3state.m
- Use more permissive content threshold: dfs_ripcontent_contentthresh
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ctrl_ripcontent.mat
Binary file not shown.

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