A file browser inspired from Emacs Dired for neovim.
Different types of files in dired.nvim
Requires Neovim 0.6 or higher.
use {
requires = "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim",
config = function()
require("dired").setup {
path_separator = "/",
show_banner = false,
show_hidden = true,
show_dot_dirs = true,
show_colors = true,
You can require this plugin and use it like this.
-- Neovim configuration for the 'dired' plugin
-- Set up the 'dired' plugin with custom options
path_separator = "/", -- Use '/' as the path separator
show_hidden = true, -- Show hidden files
show_banner = false, -- Do not show the banner
hide_details = false, -- Show file details by default
sort_order = "name", -- Sort files by name by default
-- Define keybindings for various 'dired' actions
keybinds = {
dired_enter = "<cr>",
dired_back = "-",
dired_up = "_",
dired_rename = "R",
-- ... (add more keybindings as needed)
dired_quit = "q",
-- Define colors for different file types and attributes
colors = {
DiredDimText = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "505050", gui = "NONE" },
DiredDirectoryName = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "9370DB", gui = "NONE" },
-- ... (define more colors as needed)
DiredMoveFile = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "ff3399", gui = "bold" },
Run the command :Dired
to open a buffer for your current
directory. Press -
in any buffer to open a directory buffer for its parent.
Editing a directory will also open up a buffer, overriding Netrw.
You can use the following commands to add in your custom keybinds.
Command | Description |
Dired | Open Dired UI (dir completion) |
DiredRename | Rename file/directory under cursor (file completion) |
DiredDelete | Delete file/directory under cursor (file completion) |
DiredMark | Mark file/directory under cursor (file completion) |
DiredDeleteRange | Delete selected files/directories (visual) |
DiredDeleteMarked | Delete marked files/directories |
DiredMarkRange | Mark a range of files/directories (visual) |
DiredGoBack | Navigate back in the directory history |
DiredGoUp | Move up to the parent directory |
DiredCopy | Copy the file/directory under the cursor |
DiredCopyRange | Copy selected files/directories (visual) |
DiredCopyMarked | Copy marked files/directories |
DiredMove | Move the file/directory under the cursor |
DiredMoveRange | Move selected files/directories (visual) |
DiredMoveMarked | Move marked files/directories |
DiredPaste | Paste copied or moved files in the current directory |
DiredEnter | Open the file or directory at the cursor |
DiredCreate | Create a new directory |
DiredToggleHidden | Toggle the visibility of hidden files |
DiredToggleSortOrder | Toggle the sorting order of files and directories |
DiredToggleColors | Toggle the display of colors |
DiredToggleHideDetails | Toggle hiding/showing file details |
DiredQuit | Quit the 'dired' interface |
Inside a directory buffer, there are the following keybindings:
Keybinding | Description |
<CR> |
Open the file or directory at the cursor. |
d |
Create new directories and files. |
M |
Mark directories and files (both in normal and visual mode). |
C |
Copy files. |
X |
Move files. |
P |
Paste files in the current directory. |
D |
Delete directories and files (both in normal and visual mode). |
R |
Rename directories and files. |
MD |
Delete marked files. |
MC |
Copy marked files. |
MX |
Move marked files. |
- |
Open the parent directory. |
. |
Toggle show_hidden. |
, |
Change sort_order. |
c |
Toggle colors. |
_ |
Move selection up one line. |
, |
Toggle color display. |
( |
Toggle hiding/showing file details. |
q |
Quit the 'dired' interface. |
The default keybinds are given below.
dired_enter = "<cr>",
dired_back = "-",
dired_up = "_",
dired_rename = "R",
dired_create = "d",
dired_delete = "D",
dired_delete_range = "D",
dired_copy = "C",
dired_copy_range = "C",
dired_copy_marked = "MC",
dired_move = "X",
dired_move_range = "X",
dired_move_marked = "MX",
dired_paste = "P",
dired_mark = "M",
dired_mark_range = "M",
dired_delete_marked = "MD",
dired_toggle_hidden = ".",
dired_toggle_sort_order = ",",
dired_toggle_colors = "c",
dired_toggle_hide_details = "(",
dired_quit = "q",
You can change the colors of each component in the output by specifiying a table of options for each Hightlight group used in Dired.
local DiredDimText = {
link = {},
bg = "232323",
fg = "f3f3f3"
gui = "bold",
The options are explained below.
Option | Descript |
link | A list of highlight groups to link to, in order of priority. The first one that exists will be used. |
bg | The background color to use, in hex, if the highlight group is not defined and it is not linked to another group. |
fg | The foreground color to use, in hex, if the highlight group is not defined and it is not linked to another group. |
gui | The gui to use, if the highlight group is not defined and it is not linked to another group. |
The gui arg is described in syntax.txt and valid arguments are defined in attr-list :h attr-list
These give the attributes to use in the GUI mode.
See |attr-list| for a description.
Note that "bold" can be used here and by using a bold font. They
have the same effect.
Note that the attributes are ignored for the "Normal" group.
attr-list is a comma-separated list (without spaces) of the following items (in any order):
Option | Description |
bold | |
underline | |
undercurl | curly underline |
underdouble | double underline |
underdotted | dotted underline |
underdashed | dashed underline |
strikethrough | |
reverse | |
inverse | same as reverse |
italic | |
standout | |
altfont | |
nocombine | override attributes instead of combining them |
NONE | no attributes used (used to reset it) |
The default color configuration is given below
DiredDimText = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "505050", gui = "NONE" },
DiredDirectoryName = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "9370DB", gui = "NONE" },
DiredDotfile = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "626262" },
DiredFadeText1 = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "626262", gui = "NONE" },
DiredFadeText2 = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "444444", gui = "NONE" },
DiredSize = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "306844", gui = "NONE" },
DiredUsername = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "87CEFA", gui = "bold" },
DiredMonth = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "696969", gui = "bold" },
DiredDay = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "778899", gui = "bold" },
DiredFileName = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" },
DiredFileSuid = { link = {}, bg = "ff6666", fg = "000000", gui = "bold" },
DiredNormal = { link = { "Normal" }, bg = "NONE", fg = "NONE", gui = "NONE" },
DiredNormalBold = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "ffffff", gui = "bold" },
DiredSymbolicLink = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "33ccff", gui = "bold" },
DiredBrokenLink = { link = {}, bg = "2e2e1f", fg = "ff1a1a", gui = "bold" },
DiredSymbolicLinkTarget = { link = {}, bg = "5bd75b", fg = "000000", gui = "bold" },
DiredBrokenLinkTarget = { link = {}, bg = "2e2e1f", fg = "ff1a1a", gui = "bold" },
DiredFileExecutable = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "5bd75b", gui = "bold" },
DiredMarkedFile = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "a8b103", gui = "bold" },
DiredCopyFile = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "ff8533", gui = "bold" },
DiredMoveFile = { link = {}, bg = "NONE", fg = "ff3399", gui = "bold" },
- Allow changing file permissions.