This repository implements the near-maximum independent set computation algorithms proposed in our SIGMOD 2017 paper. If you are using the code, please cite our paper.
Lijun Chang, Wei Li and Wenjie Zhang. Computing A Near-Maximum Independent Set in Linear Time by Reducing-Peeling. SIGMOD Conference 2017
$ make clean
$ make
Different algorithms can be invoked by executing "mis".
./mis {alg} {graph_directory}
alg is chosen from "greedy, greedy_dynamic, BDOne, BDTwo, LinearTime, NearLinear"
For example,
./mis LinearTime datasets/CA-GrQc
Each graph is represented by two binary files, b_adj.bin and b_degree.bin (e.g. datasets/CA-GrQc/b_adj.bin and datasets/CA-GrQc/b_degree.bin). More details of the data format can be found in