Authors: Thomas Rydzak, Ryan A. Groves, Ruichuan Zhang, Raied Aburashed, Rajnigandha Pushpker, Maryam Mapar, and Ian A. Lewis
MET is an R statistics-based utility tool that supports untargeted metabolomics analysis, visualization, and statistical analyses of LC-MS datasets. MET reads .csv format lists, in a format compatible with the MAVEN LC-MS data analysis software tool [ref].
Read in a Maven peak picked CSV file
Write out a CSV file of the dataset
- This function takes a MAVEN pick picked format list and performances various statistical techinques
- inDat - METen format table
- rCst - Logical - TRUE clusters by row
- cCst - Logical - TRUE clusters by column
- pCst - Logical - TRUE ranks rows by P value
- nCst - Logical - TRUE sorts samples by name
- grid - Logical - TRUE plots the a sample grid over the heatmap
- pca - Logical - TRUE makes the PCA plots
- linePlot - Logical - TRUE makes a line plot
- stackPlot - Logical - TRUE makes a staked line plot
- heatMap - Logical - TRUE makes a classic heatmap
- barPlot - Logical - Plots bar figure, note this needs replicates see "by"
- zPlot - Logical - this plots data relative to a reference sample set
- scale - controls how data are normalized must be one of the following: "log", "durbin", "row", "column", or "none"
- 'log' applies base 2 log transform
- 'durbin' applies durbin transform
- 'row' normalizes by row
- 'column' noralizes by column
- 'zScore' normalizes relative to a control, sets equal variance
- 'none' does not apply any normalization
- c - integer - constant for durbin trasform (0 is ln)
- excludeName - character, names of columns to be excluded from analysis
- na.rm - Logical - TRUE converts NA to 0, INF to positive max, -INF to negative max
- avgRep - logical, returns the mean intensity for each group
- sdRep - logical, returns the standard deviation for each group note, avgRep and sdRep cannont be both set to T
- inverse - logical, inverts the incoming data (1/data)
- pThresh - logical - excludes data above the pValue threshold
- returnMeta - Logical, if T, will return all input meta data note: this cannot be used with column/p clustering or thresholding
- rmZero - logical - removes rows with all zero intensities
- This function takes a MAVEN pick picked format list and makes several types of plots
- inDat - METen format table
- grid - Logical - TRUE plots the a sample grid over the heatmap
- pca - Logical - TRUE makes the PCA plots
- linePlot - Logical - TRUE makes a line plot
- stackPlot - Logical - TRUE makes a staked line plot
- heatMap - Logical - TRUE makes a classic heatmap
- barPlot - Logical - Plots bar figure, note this needs replicates see "by"
- zPlot - Logical - this plots data relative to a reference sample set
- scale - controls how data are normalized must be one of the following: "log", "durbin", "row", "column", or "none"
- 'log' applies base 2 log transform
- 'durbin' applies durbin transform
- 'row' normalizes by row
- 'column' noralizes by column
- 'zScore' normalizes relative to a control, sets equal variance
- 'none' does not apply any normalization
- c - integer - constant for durbin trasform (0 is ln)
- excludeName - character, names of columns to be excluded from analysis
- n - number of levels used in heatmap
- zlim - numeric vector of length 2 for the c(min, max) plotted value, if zlim is missing or NULL, then all data are plotted
- logScale - logical - TRUE uses log2 intervals and disable n
- byClass - Logical - TRUE agregates data according to values in the 'notes' column
- excludeName - character, names of columns to be excluded from analysis
- na.rm - Logical - TRUE converts NA to 0, INF to positive max, -INF to negative max
- returnPCA - logical - TRUE returnes PCA scores
- zJitter - Logical, if true will offset the x scale for zPlots
- returns the dataframe used to plot the data
- Function for clustering untargeted mz data
- mzTable - dataframe - METen format dataframe from untargeted csv METen output
- mzThresh - numeric - Mass tolerance in ppm
- rtThresh - numeric - Renention time tolerance in minutes
- pW - numeric vector, 0 to 1 - weight given to mass,retention time, and correlation
- pThresh - numeric, 0 to 1 - overall probablility threshold
- adList - numeric vector - list of known adducts
- collapse - logical - T collapses groups to highest intensity signal
- clusterOnly - logical - T returns collapsed groups with multiple signals