This repository contains instructions and corresponding scripts for performing experiments.
Clone this experiments repository:
git clone
Clone the AutoDock-GPU code repository, which contains DPCPP as well as CUDA and OpenCL versions:
git clone
Move into the code folder:
cd AutoDock-GPU
Set the required oneAPI environment variables by executing initialization script (NOT required on DevCloud):
source /opt/intel/oneapi/
Compile DPCPP code, and move generated binaries into the experiments folder:
make DEVICE=XeGPU NUMWI=32 && mv bin/autodock_xegpu_32wi bin/autodock_xegpu_32wi_dpcpp && cp bin/autodock_xegpu_32wi_dpcpp ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=XeGPU NUMWI=64 && mv bin/autodock_xegpu_64wi bin/autodock_xegpu_64wi_dpcpp && cp bin/autodock_xegpu_64wi_dpcpp ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=XeGPU NUMWI=128 && mv bin/autodock_xegpu_128wi bin/autodock_xegpu_128wi_dpcpp && cp bin/autodock_xegpu_128wi_dpcpp ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=XeGPU NUMWI=256 && mv bin/autodock_xegpu_256wi bin/autodock_xegpu_256wi_dpcpp && cp bin/autodock_xegpu_256wi_dpcpp ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
Switch to git branch holding original OpenCL and CUDA versions (DPCPP code was translated from this equivalent CUDA code):
git checkout v1.5.3
Set environment variables (adapt the paths to your systems' installation):
export GPU_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/include
export GPU_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64
export CPU_INCLUDE_PATH=<Path of OpenCL header files>
export CPU_LIBRARY_PATH=<Path of>
Compile codes, rename the produced binaries conveniently (for the experiment scripts to work), and move generated binaries into the experiments folder:
make DEVICE=OCLGPU NUMWI=32 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_32wi bin/autodock_gpu_32wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_gpu_32wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=OCLGPU NUMWI=64 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_64wi bin/autodock_gpu_64wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_gpu_64wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=OCLGPU NUMWI=128 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_128wi bin/autodock_gpu_128wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_gpu_128wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=OCLGPU NUMWI=256 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_256wi bin/autodock_gpu_256wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_gpu_256wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=CPU NUMWI=32 && mv bin/autodock_cpu_32wi bin/autodock_cpu_32wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_cpu_32wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=CPU NUMWI=64 && mv bin/autodock_cpu_64wi bin/autodock_cpu_64wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_cpu_64wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=CPU NUMWI=128 && mv bin/autodock_cpu_128wi bin/autodock_cpu_128wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_cpu_128wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=CPU NUMWI=256 && mv bin/autodock_cpu_256wi bin/autodock_cpu_256wi_ocl && cp bin/autodock_cpu_256wi_ocl ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
CUDA code for modern NVIDIA GPU architectures might require to also specify their compute capability via the TARGETS="XX"
compile option. See reference.
For the A100 GPU or newer devices (TARGETS="80"
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=32 TARGETS="80" && mv bin/autodock_gpu_32wi bin/autodock_gpu_32wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_32wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=64 TARGETS="80" && mv bin/autodock_gpu_64wi bin/autodock_gpu_64wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_64wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=128 TARGETS="80" && mv bin/autodock_gpu_128wi bin/autodock_gpu_128wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_128wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=256 TARGETS="80" && mv bin/autodock_gpu_256wi bin/autodock_gpu_256wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_256wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
For older GPUs (no need for extra options):
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=32 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_32wi bin/autodock_gpu_32wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_32wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=64 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_64wi bin/autodock_gpu_64wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_64wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=128 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_128wi bin/autodock_gpu_128wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_128wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
make DEVICE=GPU NUMWI=256 && mv bin/autodock_gpu_256wi bin/autodock_gpu_256wi_cuda && cp bin/autodock_gpu_256wi_cuda ../experiments-adgpu-dpcpp/
Move into the experiments folder:
cd experiments-adgpu-dpcpp
Clone git submodule repository containing input data-set automatically:
Evaluate the performance for different {DPCPP work-group} / {OpenCL work-group} / {CUDA block} sizes:
Collect metrics and store them into xlsx files.
Execute Python script within a virtual environment. See reference.
python3 -mvenv env
source env/bin/activate
Two alternatives:
python3 <folder>
python3 <log_file>