Radar jamming plugin for Bukkit/Spigot
Works with 1.10 (Can be easily modified to work with older versions, but has some version specific stuff)
Option | Value |
vFov | The max vertical view angle, default: 35 |
hFov | The max horizontal view angle, default: 60 |
minCheck | The minimum view check distance, players closer than this will be shown no matter what, default: 10 |
maxCheck | The distance at which angle checking stops, 'auto' will calculate a maxCheck based on server view distance |
showCombatTagged | If true will show combat tagged players regardless of other settings, default: true |
trueInvis | Will hide invis players even if they have armor or items, default: false |
blindDuration | The duration of blinding in minutes, default: 3 |
maxSpin | The maximum degrees a player can turn per second before being flagged, default: 500 |
maxFlags | The maximum number of flags per minute before being blinded, default: 55 (note that this defaults to someone failing 55/60 checks, decrease to be more harsh, increase to be more permissive but dont make it greater than 60 it would never flag |
flagTime | The time in between checks to flag, default: 60 |
timing | Enables timing calculations and debug info, default: false |
maxLogoutTime | How long, in ticks, a player should be logged out before we get rid of allocation for them, default: 600000 (10 minutes) |
entities | Whether or not to jam radar for all entites (items, mobs, etc.) STILL IN TESTING USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, default: false |
suppresslogging | Whether or not to suppress show/hide logging, default: true |