Calculates linear correlation between data ranges
corr-calc [DATA_FILE] [-o|--output OUTPUT_FILE]
-- input file. Default is "data.csv"OUTPUT_FILE
-- output file. Defauilt is "results.csv"
CSV-file with each data-range as a row of the form:
%control-code%, %range-name%, %comma-separated doubles%
Ranges can have different sizes. In that case before calculating correlation between two ranges the longer one is truncated.
0, Range 1, 1.0, 2.5, 3, 4
1, Range 2, 1,2,3
2, Range 3, 0,9,8,7,6,5,4
calculates correlations between rows using the following rule:
Calculate correlation between "Range 1" and "Range 2" iff control-code of "Range 1" is less than that of "Range 2"
Suppose you have 5 ranges and you want to get correlations between
- range 1 and ranges 3 and 4
- range 2 and ranges 3 and 4
- range 3 and range 4
- range 5 and ranges 1,2,3,4
Resulting csv-file:
1, Range 1, ...
1, Range 2, ...
2, Range 3, ...
3, Range 4, ...
0, Range 5, ...