Initially this repository was a diary for my freeCodeCamp adventure. When I finished doing the freeCodeCamp stuff, I started to miss doing the diary. There was something about writing about the things I've been doing that feels satisfying when I write it down.
Also, I feel like it's like a nice history book of how my skills evolve. Tweeting's nice but it's easy too loose all that to a flood of other mindless Tweets about horrible puns and rants. So this repository basically acts as my pubic dev diary, my adventures into learning more about coding, software engineering and other things in between.
Of course, I can't log stuff I do at work. That's cheating and besides, I don't think my NDA would allow that. I’ll write about books I'm reading, problems I'm solving, side projects I'm working and what not.
P.S. I realize that title header is cheesy as f*ck.