Room chat implemented with go using Gorilla mux and Gorilla websockets
go build -o GoRoomChat ./cmd/web/*.go
go build -o GoRoomChat.exe ./cmd/web/.
For particular platform:
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o GoRoomChat ./cmd/web/*.go
GoRoomChat Requires:
- A running mysql database
Make sure the database is running.
(If you are running on localhost with a database with no password default config should be ok) Run with flags:
./GoRoomChat \
-dbUser='root' \
-dbName='testdb' \
-dbPass='' \
-dbPort='3306' \
-dbHost='localhost' \
-stName='sessions' \
./GoRoomChat -help
Usage of GoRoomChat:
-dbHost string
Database host (default "localhost")
-dbName string
Database name (default "testdb")
-dbPass string
Database password
-dbPort string
Database port (default "3306")
-dbUser string
Databse user (default "root")
-port string
Port on wich the server listens on (default ":8080")
-stName string
Sessions table name (default "sessions")