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[Archive] Retired Features
The tool's UI consists of a letter bar and a recipe panel that shows lists of chase and burn recipes, as well as burn mods.
Using image recognition, this tool scans the contents of your archnemesis inventory, which enables a multitude of features not found in the game:
- creating a user-configurable list of favorite/chase recipes
- monitoring the progress of chase recipes by breaking them down in a tree-view schematic
- highlighting recipes connected to your list that are ready to be assembled
- highlighting irrelevant mods and recipes that can be safely 'burned' without interfering with your list
- calculating which and how many base mods you need in order to complete your recipe list
- calculating your surplus in archnemesis mods for easy inventory management
- showing where the required base mods commonly drop, and suggesting optimal drop locations where multiple mods drop (data source, creator: u/Rymse)
- automatic recipe selection for a 1-click-0-attention interaction with the league mechanic
- blacklisting certain recipes that you want to avoid running
Rather than using universal image recognition, the tool has to be 'trained' manually. This means it has a longer set-up time (around 5 to 8 minutes cumulatively for the whole league-period, or 7 to 10 seconds per icon), but this should provide higher scanning speeds and accuracy in the long run – think of it as 'tailored' to your system and settings.
The tool scans your archnemesis inventory slot by slot, starting from the top left and working its way down the columns. Whenever it finds a new icon, it asks you to specify which archnemesis mod this icon belongs to. This has to be done only once per icon for the vast majority of users (see 'known issues' at the end of this page).
The letter bar is used to navigate a sort of glossary of the available archnemesis mods. Clicking an entry will highlight it in yellow and add it to the priority list, right-clicking it will highlight it in red and add it to the blacklist. The PREV button restores the in-game search to a previously selected recipe, B-LIST shows your blacklisted recipes, and the SCAN button initiates a scan of your inventory.
The priority list is the center-piece of the tool and contains the set of archnemesis mods that you want to run as the endgame of the league-mechanic, i.e. the money-maker, the big wombo-combo. As such, this is where you set your goal for the archnemesis mechanic, and the tool accompanies you there and supplies recipe suggestions based on your inventory state and overall progression. Long-clicking the (?) icon will show UI navigation tips.
Green highlighting indicates that your inventory contains at least one assembled version of the recipe, and the quantity is shown in brackets. Indented entries show available recipes that are connected to your chase archnemesis mods. The panel also shows how close you are to completing the current set of the prio-list (X bases missing).
Long-right-click an entry on the list to remove it, long-right-click the 'prio-list' label to clear the whole list. You can right-click an entry to pause its tracking. This will highlight it in purple and stop suggestions for this specific recipe, freeing up the components so that these may be used elsewhere. This is different from removing a recipe in that its components stay prioritized and don't go into the burn pool. Pausing a recipe is useful if it's pulling ahead of others, or if you feel you have assembled enough of it for now.
What to put in: You only need to add the end-point of a recipe chain to the list (e.g. Innocence-touched), the tool will calculate everything leading up to that. So there is no need to put the whole chain into the list (I specify this here because there had been some confusion in the past).
How it calculates: By default, the system cross-checks every entry of your prio-list with your inventory state and calculates the required remaining pieces. That means it will only suggest assembling each sub-component once to complete the entry. As an example: Innocence-touched requires Lunaris-, Solaris-touched, Mirror Image, and Mana Siphoner. You can blindly follow the suggestions without the fear of assembling multiples of these until Innocence-touched is assembled. Then the next round of suggestions will start and, again, one set of its sub-components will be worked on. Starting with v1.22.4, this behavior can be changed by the user to make the tool suggest recipes regardless of whether demand for this recipe is met. To do so, click the 'prio-list' panel and the checkbox 'produce oversupply'.
Long-clicking a prio-list entry will show a tree-view schematic and breaks the recipe down. Use this to have a more detailed view on your progress.
Clicking the 'prio-list' label gives you an overview of your surplus in archnemesis mods that are connected to the priority set. Additionally, you can set a threshold above which your surplus will be suggested as a burnable recipe or mod (these entries will be highlighted in yellow). Use this panel as a last resort to make room in your inventory in case nothing else can be burned.
(data source, creator: u/Rymse)
You can click the 'missing' label to open a movable window with a list of locations that commonly drop the missing mod bases. With it open, you can acces your map tab and search for these maps by clicking them in the list.
Right-clicking the 'missing'-label opens a movable popout window with the list of missing bases that can be placed anywhere on the screen. You can use this as a cheat sheet if you only want to loot missing bases.
The lower part of the prio-list panel shows 'burn' recipes and mods, i.e. irrelevant ones that are available and do not use components from priority recipes. Clicking on an item on the list will perform an in-game search in the inventory. Clicking the 'available burn mods' label will highlight as many burn mods as possible at once (the in-game search field has a character limit) and choose the ones you have the most of.
You can also change the sorting settings for the available burn mods by clicking the sorting label ("- / Q" by default): clicking it will toggle between descending (-) and ascending (+), right-clicking will toggle between quantity (Q) and tiering (T).
Starting with v1.22.1, you can right-click the scan button to have the script automatically fill the slots in the current encounter. The tool will automatically check how many free slots are available and also avoid duplicates. This is primarily for convenience and a one-click solution that doesn't require any attention: you can use it to automate the whole archnemesis mechanic or to automatically fill the remaining slots in an encounter. This feature uses the current contents of the in-game search field as an orientation as to which and how many mods have already been used in the current encounter.
My initial plan was for this feature to work without any user input, like an auto pilot, but there are too many variables that prevent this from working reliably.
example 1 (3+1 slots): the first right-click highlights the invulnerable recipe, the second adds soul conduit as a burner
example 2 (2+2 slots): the first right-click highlights the ice prison recipe, the second adds the storm strider recipe
example 3 (2+1+1 slots): the first right-click highlights the drought bringer recipe, the second skips malediction (because it's already in use) and instead adds soul conduit as a burner, the third skips deadeye (again, it's already in use) and instead adds berserker as a burner
Auto-highlighting will stop as soon as four mods are reached, and the script will merely refresh these four when right-clicking scan again. When re-entering a map, make sure you don't accidentally right-click 'scan' when the search field is blank, otherwise a new auto-highlight set of four mods will be started. Instead, click the 'prev' button to go back to the previous highlighting state. Inversely, you have to make sure the search field is blank when you want to start a new set of four (it is blank at the start of the map, but it still doesn't hurt to check).
CAUTION: This feature has to be used while actively doing archnemesis encounters, i.e. you must not queue up recipes at the start of the map. So, as with normal scanning, only right-click the scan button after finishing a recipe. This is what can happen if you use this feature incorrectly: Queueing recipes AB and burners C and D at the start of the map may result in assembling AC and BD if you don't pay attention and the recipe constellation allows it.
Starting with v1.22.2, you can right-click mods in the letter-bar glossary to add them to the blacklist. These blacklisted recipes will then not be suggested for assembly when ready, and they will be highlighted in red on the burn-mod list in case you already have assembled versions in your inventory. Use this feature to avoid archnemesis mods that you hate or can't run with your build, which becomes even more useful if you use the automation feature described above.
Clicking the 'BL' button on the letter bar will show the current blacklist, and entries can be removed by clicking them.
NOTE: this is an experimental/proof-of-concept feature, but still fully usable
helps you find hidden delve-passages by suggesting which checkpoint is the most likely to be connected to hidden nodes
normal mode: user marks the hidden nodes and surrounding checkpoints on a grid-map, and the tool suggests possible solutions
advanced mode: user marks the hidden nodes, and the tool reads the in-game delve-map and suggests possible solutions
main UI-elements:
delve button
that can be placed anywhere within the client-window by dragging
grid-map overlay: needs to be resized in the settings menu to match the in-game delve-map
general inputs:
clicking the delve button will show/hide the grid
pressing TAB will reset the grid, ESC will hide it
pressing the omni-key will scan the in-game delve map (advanced mode)
this feature has its own section in the settings menu, with UI and sub-feature options
open the delve-map and find a large area with chambers
max-zoom into the delve-map, and open the LLK settings menu (by clicking the LLK-UI panel or typing .llk into chat)
go to the delve-helper section and enable the feature
a sample grid will open with which to calibrate the grid size
- it's NOT click-through, so you have to get used to moving the map underneath by clicking the side-edges that are not covered
align the borders of the chamber-area with the grid and resize it until they match more or less (also use the borders of biomes/tiles to double-check)
close the grid by pressing ESC
optional settings:
the delve button
can be resized in this menu as well
'only show button while delving': enables scanning the client.txt-file generated by the game (may impact performance) to only show the button while you're in the azurite mine
once everything is configured, close the settings menu
important: only mark paths in sections (squares) that contain a node/checkpoint
marking paths: each square in the grid has an invisible 'd-pad'
click a direction to set a path leading to the node/checkpoint
click the center to toggle between all paths and zero paths (this also saves a click when setting three-way nodes: click center to make it four-way, then remove one path)
marking a node/checkpoint as hidden: right-click the center of a section to mark it as a hidden node/checkpoint
this mode has one limitation: it cannot account for pathing because it's not provided with all the information
this means it may highlight certain nodes green even though there's no possible way for it to connect to the hidden node:
C is marked green, which is incorrect because the node is 'boxed in' by the surrounding paths
so the only delve-rule one has to keep in mind in this mode is: the hidden path cannot pass through squares that already have a path
- the script should be able to handle the rest (unless it's a very rare edge-case)
align the map with the grid so that the hidden node/checkpoint is near the center
set the paths for the nodes around the hidden one
right-click the center of the section with the hidden node/checkpoint
the most plausible nodes will be marked green, the next-best yellow, unlikely/impossible ones red
make sure to only hide the grid (instead of resetting right away) as you might need this layout again
in case the only green node doesn't lead to the hidden one (which should be rare if pathing was set correctly):
sometimes a fractured wall is right on the edge of the loaded chunk and therefore has not been loaded yet:
use the delve map to trigger a loading screen by traveling to a distant node
go back to the node that was marked green and check if the wall is there this time
if loading was not the problem:
click the green node to override its highlighting with red
this will recalculate the grid and highlight the next-best node green
repeat until you find the hidden passage
in case you override green highlighting by accident, you can toggle the hidden node off/on to restore the initial calculation
image recognition can be enabled in the delve-helper section of the settings menu
once enabled, there will be additional options and information underneath the grid:
once set up correctly, the delve-helper will essentially become a delve-solver
it can detect if it's physically possible for a node to connect to the hidden one
since in this mode it has all the pathing information, it can also detect pathing collisions
NOTE: at this moment, there is no way to calibrate it on Windows versions older than 10 (I may implement one if there's enough demand -- steam survey suggests the user base is lower than 4%)
as preparation, you'll need to find a long vertical straight path on the delve map:
(this shows an example, but don't use the main-shaft that is automatically generated as you level up) -
then open the grid and click the 'calibrate' button underneath it to trigger the Windows snipping tool
you have to screen-cap the middle part of the passage by clicking and dragging:
a tooltip will show to indicate that the image recognition is being calibrated, and when it's finished
the grid will refresh and, if calibration was successful, will show the total pixel-sample count
in this mode, you simply scan the grid and mark hidden nodes by right-clicking them
then check all green highlights and override empty sections/squares by clicking them (as shown in the video at the top)
this step is important since the scanner cannot check (yet) if nodes are empty or not
the hidden passage cannot start in an empty node, so override it immediately before you search there in vain
to scan the grid, press the omni-key (default: middle mouse-button)
make sure the cursor is positioned over the map, otherwise your character will do whatever action is bound to the middle mouse-button (or the custom key)
but make sure not to hover over a node (this will show a tooltip over it which blocks the delve map) and keep an eye on the bottom-left of the map, where biome information is displayed:
- it's also very important to adjust the grid and its size correctly because this will affect scanning accuracy
in case the only green node doesn't lead to the hidden one:
sometimes a fractured wall is right on the edge of the loaded chunk and therefore has not been loaded yet:
use the delve map to trigger a loading screen by traveling to a distant node
go back to the node that was marked green and check if the wall is there this time
if loading was not the problem:
click the green node to override its highlighting with red
this will recalculate the grid and highlight the next-best node green
repeat until you find the hidden passage
in case you override green highlighting by accident, you can toggle the hidden node off/on to restore the initial calculation
if the scanner misses a few paths, try re-aligning the map and grid to see if that fixes it
if that doesn't work, you can feed more pixel-data to the calibration by repeating it with additional paths
it often helps to take the biome into account, i.e. if the scanner doesn't scan a path in a lava biome correctly, try screen-capping pixels from a vertical straight passage in that biome
it may help to screen-cap a path with a yellow line (the one that indicates a path has been cleared)
if the scanner starts detecting many paths in an empty section/square, you should delete the calibration data by clicking the delete-button because too much bad data has been captured, and start from scratch
I started working on this after seeing this reddit thread and the general confusion about delving in the comments
this started as an experiment out of curiosity about whether something like this would be possible and how difficult conceptualizing it would be
creating the GUI took most of the work because it has so many segments (up to 64 squares, each with a 'd-pad' made up of five individual squares), and I also had to make sure it scales correctly across all resolutions
considering delve and its rules are quite straight-forward, creating this feature was not really worth it by itself, but the things I found out while working on it made up for that
v1.27.3 added an optional recognition mode as proof-of-concept (for a proof-of-concept delve-helper -- talk about double-dipping) and to test the limits of doing ridiculous shenanigans with screen-reading
shout-outs to u/surle on Reddit for suggesting the name and winning the popular vote
categories: QoL, planning, proof-of-concept
description: planner/previewer for the Lake of Kalandra league mechanic
general inputs:
user-defined toggle hotkey
arrow keys: resize overlay
scan (omni-key), reset (TAB), close (ESC) mirrored tablet
- none
this feature has a section in the settings menu with UI, hotkey, and calibration settings
hotkey: modifier-keys are enabled this time, but that means the hotkey is not changeable on-the-fly and the script has to be restarted
tile statistics: an optional list of the top-X tile difficulties on the chosen configuration, as well as average for the whole board
when accessing this section, the board will automatically show, and it's best to set it up with a tablet already on screen
click calibrate recognition to start screen-capping
the Windows snipping tool will open with which to screen-cap the larger part of a water tile (50~80%)
- IMPORTANT: there's currently no way to calibrate on Windows systems older than 10 (or at least versions that don't have that specific snipping tool), and I don't know how many users are affected (Steam survey suggests a 3% user-base). If you are affected, let me know and I'll implement an alternative.
move the board on top of the tablet by dragging it into the correct position, and press the omni-key (default: middle mouse-button)
if some water tiles aren't being recognized, do additional calibration with a different water tile
if the tool starts misrecognizing normal tiles as water tiles, there's too much recognition data, and you will have to reset it and start over
the board is resized by pressing the left/right arrow keys (to make it wider), and the up/down arrow keys (to make it taller)
press the toggle-hotkey to access the overlay, and use the arrow-keys to set it to the current tablet's size
drag it into the correct position, then press the omni-key to scan the tablet
right-click tiles to place the entrance, left-click them to manually place water tiles
try out different layouts to maximize tile difficulties with minimal tile swaps
this is based on a user-request, and I pursued it out of curiosity and as proof of concept
to be honest, I expected the tablet-manipulations to be more impactful in the mechanic, so this turned out to be less useful than I had anticipated
in-client calculator for recombinator probabilities
import items with only a few clicks, then choose the preferred affixes
imported items can be edited in order to see how probabilities change when adding/removing affixes
The recombinator calculator is divided into three parts:
top half: item 1 on the left and item 2 on the right, with six edit fields for prefixes and suffixes
bottom half: checkboxes for the shared affix pools to select the desired affixes of the recombination result
bottom edge: approximate probability of the recombination process achieving the desired result
omni-click (default: middle mouse-button) an item to open the context-menu, then click 'recombinator'
load additional items: while the calculator is open, omni-clicking supported items will add them to calculator
the new item will be loaded into the left item-slot
a previously-loaded item will move into the right item-slot
the calculator does not check item-classes when adding items, so it's possible to load differing classes into the same window
- this is by design because, this way, it's easier to load multiple pairs of items in quick succession (without having to close and open the calculator in between)
omni-click a recombinator or power core to open a blank calculator
whenever edit fields receive inputs, the 'chance of success' label changes to 'refresh' which has to be clicked to apply the changes that have been made
it's important to click this because adding/removing mods from the pool significantly affects the calculations
checkboxes for newly-added mods only appear after clicking refresh
thanks to u/TheDiabeetusKing for The Complete Guide to Recombinators
thanks to u/myrahz for this google doc that helped me wrap my head around the required calculations and cross-check results
as with most features, this is my attempt to integrate something league-/mechanic-related into the game-client
this feature helped me understand parsing item information better, which may come in handy in the future
this also improved my UI coding a bit, as I found some more efficient methods along the way
- scans the necropolis lantern UI and overlays customizable colored panels onto the individual mods
- this feature has its own section in the settings menu, with UI and sub-feature settings
main UI-elements & user interaction
screenshot |
highlight panels: - hover over these and press SPACE or number-keys to apply customizable colors- drag to rearrange them (just like in the game, but single clicks are not supported)enter button: - click to enter the zone and close the overlay |
![]() |
this is an OCR-based feature that requires a compatibility test first
- OCR-features share this test, so if you have already completed it for a different feature, you can skip this section
open the character-stats screen in game (default: C)
open the settings menu by clicking the cogwheel icon on the toolbar and go to the
section -
the checkbox to enable the feature will be highlighted in red because the test has to be done first
click the checkbox to open the snipping tool
use it to screen-cap 4 to 7 lines of text from the character-stats screen
a new window will open, asking you to transcribe a certain number of unique words on the image
if this compatibility test succeeds, the checkbox can be ticked to enable the feature
this feature requires setting up a screencheck so the tool can find the lantern UI on screen:
open the settings menu by clicking the cogwheel icon on the toolbar and go to the
section -
click the
button next tonecro: lantern
, and the snipping tool will open-
screen-cap the plaque as shown above
click the
button to confirm that the screen-check works correctly
whenever the in-game lantern UI is on screen, you can press the omni-key (default: middle mouse-button) to activate this feature
recognized lantern mods will be highlighted white by default, empty boxes black
if a text-box is covered by black highlighting, the scan failed and you may have to rescan
there is a debugging option in the settings for situations where scans repeatedly fail: use it to find out what's wrong
hover over a mod and press number-keys 1 to 5 to apply customizable colors, or press space to reset to default
the overlay also tracks mods if you re-arrange them
however, it only supports dragging them, and single clicks will be completely ignored
there is a very short delay between clicking and the game registering the drag, but I don't think you have be super careful, just make sure you don't flick your mouse immediately after clicking
since the overlay's position is based on its
screen-check, more precision than usual is required -
if you're unable to fully align the screen-cap with the in-game UI, you can fine-tune the overlay's position manually in the settings menu
open the in-game lantern UI, the overlay, and then the settings menu
overlay offsets
, adjust the values forx-axis
until the overlay aligns with the in-game UI