Interactive dashboard to visualize the United States H-1B visa lottery system. Explore key metrics such as employer participation, salaries, job titles, and country of origin through detailed filters and visualizations.
- Fiscal year
- Employer name (e.g., Wipro, Amazon).
- Job title: (e.g., “Software Engineer”).
- Country of birth, country of nationality.
- Salary Range: wage amt(e.g. $50,000), wage unit(e.g. year).
- Worksite: worksite_city, worksite_state.
- 🔸 ✶ H1Bs Database
- Time-series chart: Registrations vs. approvals by year.
- Treemap: Multiple vs. single registrations.
- US H-1B Visa Lottery and Petition Data FY 2021 - FY 2024. Data sourced from USCIS and obtained by Bloomberg.